Florence May Weinberg, PhD

Florence WeinbergOccupation: Modern Language and Literature Educator (Retired)
Born: Alamogordo, New Mexico, December 3, 1933

Resident, The Hambidge Center for the Creative Arts & Sciences (1999-2001, 2003-2007, 2009-2010)
PhD, University of Rochester (1968)
Graduate Studies, University of Iowa
MA, Spanish, University of British Columbia (1962)
AB, foreign languages (Spanish and French), Park College (1954)

Author, Novels (1999-Present)
Professor of French, Trinity University, San Antonio, TX (1989-1999)
Chairman, Department of Modern Languages and Literature, Trinity University, San Antonio, TX (1989-1995)
Professor of Spanish, Trinity University, San Antonio, TX (1989-1999)
Director of International Studies, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY (1983-1986)
Professor of Modern Languages, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY (1975-1989)
Chairman, Department of Modern Languages, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY (1972-1979)
Associate Professor of Modern Languages, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY (1971-1975)
Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY (1967-1971)
Instructor of Modern Languages, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, NY (1967)

Board Member, Zapatos, Inc.

Creative Works:
Author, “Dolet” (2015); Author, “Anselm: a Metamorphosis” (2013); Author, “Unruhe im Paradies” (2012); Author, “Unrest in Eden” (2011); Author, “El Jesuita y el brujo” (2011); Author, “El Jesuita y la Tormenta” (2011); Author, “El Jesuita y la Caridad” (2011); Author, “Sonora Wind” (2009); Author, “Seven Cities of Mud” (2008); Author, “Sonora Moonlight” (2008); Author, “The Storks of La Caridad” (2005); Author, “Apache Lance, Franciscan Cross” (2005); Author, “Sonora Wind, Ill Wind” (2002); Author, “Longs désirs” (2002); Author, “I’ll Come to Thee By Moonlight” (2002); Author, “Les Leçons du rire” (2000); Author, “Gargantua in a Convex Mirror” (1986); Author, “The Cave” (1986); Author, “The Wine and the Will” (1972)

Recipient, Pinnacle Book Achievement Award (2012, 2014, 2015); Finalist, Indie Next Generation Book Award (2010, 2012); Recipient, Arts & Letters Award, Friends of the San Antonio Public Library (2012); Finalist, Indie Book Award (2012); Winner, New Mexico Book Award (2011); Finalist, Indie Next Generation Book Award (2010); Finalist, Eric Hoffer Award (2009); Recipient, Alumna of the Year Award, Park University (2008); Finalist, New Mexico Book Award (2006, 2007, 2008, 2014); Finalist, WILLA Literary Award (2006); Research Grantee, Ludwig Vogelstein Foundation (1986); Grantee, National Endowment for the Humanities (1983); Senior Fellow, National Endowment for the Humanities (1979-1980); Grantee-in-Aid, American Council of Learned Societies (1974-1975)

Member, Modern Language Association; Member, PEN; Member, Renaissance Society of America; Member, Sixteenth Century Society & Conference; Member, Women Writing the West; Member, Toastmasters International

Political Affiliation:

Daughter of Steven Horace Byham and Olive Gladys (Edgington) Byham
Married Kurt Weinberg (5/8/1955 – Deceased 1996)

Swimming; Hiking; Weightlifting; Gym

Biography Sources:
Who’s Who in America – 2018, 71st Edition (pub. 2018)
Who’s Who in America – 2016, 70th Edition (pub. 2016)
Who’s Who in America – 2015, 69th Edition (pub. 2014)
Who’s Who in America – 2014, 68th Edition (pub. 2013)
Who’s Who in America – 2013, 67th Edition (pub. 2012)
Who’s Who in America – 2012, 66th Edition (pub. 2011)
Who’s Who in America – 2011, 65th Edition (pub. 2010)
Who’s Who in America – 2010, 64th Edition (pub. 2009)
Who’s Who in America – 2009, 63rd Edition (pub. 2008)
Who’s Who in American Education – 2007-2008, 8th Edition (pub. 2007)
Who’s Who in American Education – 2006-2007, 7th Edition (pub. 2005)
Who’s Who in the South and Southwest – 1997-1998, 25th Edition (pub. 1997)
Who’s Who in the South and Southwest – 1995-1996, 24th Edition (pub. 1995)
Who’s Who in the World – 2016, 33rd Edition (pub. 2016)
Who’s Who in the World – 2015, 32nd Edition (pub. 2014)
Who’s Who in the World – 2014, 31st Edition (pub. 2013)
Who’s Who in the World – 2013, 30th Edition (pub. 2012)
Who’s Who in the World – 2012, 29th Edition (pub. 2011)
Who’s Who in the World – 2011, 28th Edition (pub. 2010)
Who’s Who in the World – 2010, 27th Edition (pub. 2009)
Who’s Who of American Women – 2010-2011, 28th Edition (pub. 2010)
Who’s Who of American Women – 2008-2009, 27th Edition (pub. 2008)
Who’s Who of American Women – 2006-2007, 25th Edition (pub. 2005)
Who’s Who of American Women – 1995-1996, 19th Edition (pub. 1995)

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