David Donaldson

David DonaldsonOccupation: Consultant Chemical Pathologist (Retired)
Born: Birmingham, England, February 13, 1936

MB, University of Birmingham (1959)
Bachelor of Chirurgery (ChB), University of Birmingham (1959)

Consultant in Chemical Pathology, Gatwick Park Bupa Health Centre, Bupa (1984-2006)
Consultant in Chemical Pathology, Crawley Hospital, Crawley, Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (1970-2001)
Consultant in Chemical Pathology, East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (1970-2001)
Clinical Director of Pathology, East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (1991-1994)
Lecturer, Institute for Neurology, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, University College London Hospitals (1964-1970)
Honorary Senior Registrar in Chemical Pathology, Institute for Neurology, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, University College London Hospitals (1964-1970)
Registrar in General Medicine, Victoria Hospital, Keighley, Yorkshire, England (1963-1964)
Assistant Resident Medical Officer, Leeds General Infirmary, The Leeds Teaching Hospitals, Leeds, England (1961-1962)
Registrar in General Medicine, Leeds General Infirmary, The Leeds Teaching Hospitals, Leeds, England (1961-1962)
Senior House Officer in Clinical Pathology, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, England (1960-1961)
House Surgeon, Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, England (1960)
House Physician, Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham, England (1959-1960)

Career Related:
Lecturer in Clinical Biochemistry, London South Bank University (1997-2011); Chairman, Southwest Thames Chemical Pathology Advisory Group, Southwest Thames Regional Health Authority (1995-2000); Vice Chairman, Medical Sub-Committee, Marie Curie Memorial Foundation (1978-1983); Lecturer in Chemical Pathology

Piano Player, Standen House, National Trust

Creative Works:
Author, “Psychiatric Disorders with a Biochemical Basis” (1998); Deputy Honorary Editor, Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health (1997-2004); Editorial Board Member, Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health (1997-2004); Co-author, “Diagnostic Function Tests in Chemical Pathology” (1989); Co-author, “Essential Diagnostic Tests in Biochemistry and Haematology” (1971); Contributor, Chapters to Books; Contributor, Articles to Over 100 Professional Journals

European Clinical Chemist; Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians; Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists; Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry; Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology

Recipient, Five-year Voluntary Long Service Award, Standen House, National Trust (2017); Recipient, Mori Felicitation Award, International College of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine (2002); Honoree, Marquis Who’s Who Top Doctor; Honoree, Marquis Who’s Who Distinguished Humanitarian; Honoree, Marquis Who’s Who Industry Leader

Member, The Guild of Freemen of the City of London (2002); Chairman, East Surrey Division, BMA (1992-1993); Fellow, Royal College of Physicians (1969); Fellow, The Hunterian Society; Fellow, The Medical Society of London; Lifetime Fellow, International College of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine; Member, Royal Society of Medicine; Fellow, Royal Society of Biology; Member, Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH); Member, Royal Geographical Society; Member, Royal Society of Chemistry; Fellow, The Royal College of Pathologists; Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science; Member, New York Academy of Sciences; Member, British Association for the Advancement of Science (Now British Science Association); Member, HEART UK; Member, American Society for Clinical Pathology; Member, The Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine; Member, The Harveian Society of London; Member, Faculty of History, London Division, The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries; Member, Faculty of Philosophy of Medicine and Pharmacy, London Division, The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries; Member, EurClinChem, European Clinical Chemistry

Son of Henry Donaldson and Esther Donaldson

Piano; Music; History of Medicine

Biography Source(s):
Who’s Who in America – 2019, 72nd Edition (pub. 2019)
Who’s Who in America – 2018, 71st Edition (pub. 2018)
Who’s Who in America – 2016, 70th Edition (pub. 2016)
Who’s Who in America – 2015, 69th Edition (pub. 2014)
Who’s Who in America – 2014, 68th Edition (pub. 2013)
Who’s Who in America – 2013, 67th Edition (pub. 2012)
Who’s Who in America – 2012, 66th Edition (pub. 2011)
Who’s Who in America – 2011, 65th Edition (pub. 2010)
Who’s Who in America – 2010, 64th Edition (pub. 2009)
Who’s Who in America – 2009, 63rd Edition (pub. 2008)
Who’s Who in America – 2008, 62nd Edition (pub. 2007)
Who’s Who in America – 2007, 61st Edition (pub. 2006)
Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare – 2011-2012, 8th Edition (pub. 2011)
Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare – 2009-2010, 7th Edition (pub. 2009)
Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare – 2006-2007, 6th Edition (pub. 2006)
Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare – 2004-2005, 5th Edition (pub. 2004)
Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare – 2002-2003, 4th Edition (pub. 2002)
Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare – 2000-2001, 3rd Edition (pub. 2000)
Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare – 1999-2000, 2nd Edition (pub. 1998)
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering – 2016-2017, 12th Edition (pub. 2016)
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering – 2011-2012, 11th Edition (pub. 2010)
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering – 2008-2009, 10th Edition (pub. 2007)
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering – 2006-2007, 9th Edition (pub. 2006)
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering – 2005-2006, 8th Edition (pub. 2004)
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering – 2003-2004, 7th Edition (pub. 2003)
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering – 2002-2003, 6th Edition (pub. 2001)
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering – 2000-2001, 5th Edition (pub. 1999)
Who’s Who in the World – 2016, 33rd Edition (pub. 2016)
Who’s Who in the World – 2015, 32nd Edition (pub. 2014)
Who’s Who in the World – 2014, 31st Edition (pub. 2013)
Who’s Who in the World – 2013, 30th Edition (pub. 2012)
Who’s Who in the World – 2012, 29th Edition (pub. 2011)
Who’s Who in the World – 2011, 28th Edition (pub. 2010)
Who’s Who in the World – 2010, 27th Edition (pub. 2009)
Who’s Who in the World – 2009, 26th Edition (pub. 2008)
Who’s Who in the World – 2008, 25th Edition (pub. 2007)
Who’s Who in the World – 2007, 24th Edition (pub. 2006)
Who’s Who in the World – 2006, 23rd Edition (pub. 2005)
Who’s Who in the World – 2005, 22nd Edition (pub. 2004)
Who’s Who in the World – 2004, 21st Edition (pub. 2003)
Who’s Who in the World – 2003, 20th Edition (pub. 2002)
Who’s Who in the World – 2002, 19th Edition (pub. 2001)
Who’s Who in the World – 2001, 18th Edition (pub. 2000)
Who’s Who in the World – 2000, 17th Edition (pub. 1999)
Who’s Who in the World – 1999, 16th Edition (pub. 1998)
Who’s Who in the World – 1998, 15th Edition (pub. 1997)

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