Prof. John J. Patrick

John PatrickOccupation: Professor Emeritus
Born: East Chicago, Indiana, April 14, 1935

EdD, Indiana University (1969)
AB, Dartmouth College (1957)

Professor Emeritus of Education, School of Education, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN (2004-Present)
Adjunct Professor of Civic Education, College of Education, Kansas State University (2012-2016)
Director, ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/Social Science Education, School of Education, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN (1986-2003)
Director, Social Studies Development Center, School of Education, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN (1986-2004)
Professor of Education, School of Education, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN (1977-2004)
Associate Professor, School of Education, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN (1974-1977)
Assistant Professor, School of Education, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN (1969-1974)
Research Associate, School of Education, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN (1965-1969)
Social Studies Teacher, Laboratory High School, The University of Chicago (1962-1965)
Social Studies Teacher, Roosevelt High School, East Chicago, IN (1957-1962)

Career Related:
Editorial Board, Pedagogika Journal, Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania (2004-2009); Member, Standing Committee for Oversight of the National Assessment of Educational Progress in Civics, U.S. Department of Education (1996-2009); Scholar in Residence, Center for the Constitution of James Madison’s Montpelier, VA (2007); Citizenship Education Advisory Committee, Indiana State Bar Association (1987-2006); Steering Committee of Civitas, California Center for Civic Education (1995-2006); Senior Instructor, Institute for Certification of Civics Teachers, Bosnia and Herzegovina (2004); Advisory Commission on Youth Education for Citizenship, American Bar Association (1998-2003); Content Editor, Development of Social Studies Standards, K-12, Indiana Department of Education (2001); Content Editor, Indiana Academic Standards in Social Studies (1999-2001); Scholar in Residence, Pedagogical Academy, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (1999); Safe and Civil Society Commission, Bloomington, IN (1997-1998); Steering Committee, Education for Democracy, Framework Development Project, U.S. Department of Education (1997-1998); Scholar in Residence, Montclair Kimberly Academy, NJ (1997-1998); Framework Development Committee, National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) in Civics and U.S. History (1992-1996); Board of Directors, Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS) (1977-1992); Member, Indiana Committee for the Bicentennial Celebration of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 (1985-1989); Director and Principal Participant, Democracy of Education Projects in Post Communist Countries of Central and Eastern Europe; Principal Participant, Democratic Advancement Projects, Western Europe, Latin America, and East Asia; Consultant, Civic Education to Departments of Education and Curriculum Centers throughout the United States

Presenter, First Annual Claude Moore Constitution Day Lecturer, James Madison Home, Montpelier, VA (September 2007); Social Science Education Consortium (1984-2004); Member, National History Education Network (1994-1996); Member, National Council for History Standards (1991-1994); Board of Directors, Council for the Advancement of Citizenship (1987-1991); Board of Directors, Law in American Society Foundation (1984-1988); Member, Governor’s Task Force on Citizenship Education, Indiana (1982-1987)

Creative Works:
Co-author with Stephen Schechter, Thomas Vontz, and Others, “American Governance” (2016); Co-author with Richard Remy and Others, “Building Citizenship” (2012); Author, “Understanding Democracy” (2006); Author, “The Supreme Court of the United States: A Student Companion” (2006); Co-author with Kermit L. Hall, “The Pursuit of Justice: Supreme Court Decisions That Shaped America” (2006); Co-author with Gregory E. Hamot, “Constitutional Democracy in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania” (2005); Co-author with Sarah Drake Brown, “History Education in the United States” (2004); Co-author, “Civics Today” (2003); Author, “The Bill of Rights: A History in Documents” (2003); Co-author with Robert S. Leming, “Principles and Practices of Democracy in the Education of Social Studies Teachers” (2001); Co-author with Richard M. Pious and Donald A. Ritchie, “The Oxford Guide to the U.S. Government” (2001); Content Editor, “Indiana Academic Standards in Social Studies” (2001); Co-author with Sheilah Mann, “Education for Civic Engagement in Democracy” (2000); Co-author with Thomas Vontz and Kim Metcalf, “Project Citizen and the Civic Development of Adolescent Students in Indiana, Latvia, and Lithuania” (2000); Co-author with Gerald P. Long, “Constitutional Debates on Freedom of Religion: A Documentary History” (1999); Author, “Founding the Republic: A Documentary History” (1995); Author, “Young Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court of the United States” (1994); Co-author with Robert S. Leming and Others, “Resources for Teachers on the Bill of Rights” (1991); Author, “How to Teach the Bill of Rights” (1991); Author, “Ideas of the Founders on Constitutional Government: Resources for Teachers of History and Government” (1991); Author, “James Madison and the Federalist Papers” (1990); Author, “Lessons on the Northwest Ordinance” (1987); Author, “Lessons on the Federalist Papers” (1987); Co-author with Carole Berkin, “History of the American Nation, Revised Edition” (1987); Co-author with Richard Remy, “Civics for Americans, Revised Edition” (1986); Co-author with Richard Remy, “Lessons on the Constitution” (1985); Co-author with Carol Berkin, “History of the American Nation” (1984); Co-author with Carol Berkin, “America Past and Present” (1983); Co-author with Richard Remy, “Civics for Americans” (1980); Co-author with Howard D. Mehlinger, “American Political Behavior, Revised Edition” (1980); Co-author with Howard D. Mehlinger and Lee Ehman, “Toward Effective Instruction in Secondary Social Studies” (1974); Co-author with Allen D. Glenn, “The Young Voter” (1974); Co-author with Howard D. Mehlinger, “American Political Behavior” (1972); Author, “Progress of the Afro-American” (1968); Author, “Political Socialization of American Youth” (1967)

He participated in developing and teaching an exceptional on-line curriculum on constitutionalism in citizenship education. The collection, pertaining to topics in the on-line curriculum, was selected by Professor Patrick from his personal library. This award was celebrated in a ceremony attended by faculty and administrators at Kansas State University (2018); Associate Editor and Entry Author (with Editor-in-Chief Stephen Schechter, Thomas Vontz and others) of the Five Volume reference set “American Governance,” named to a short list of Outstanding Reference Sources, an annual list established in 1958 selected by experts of the Collection Development and Evaluation Section of the Reference and User Service Association, a division of the American Library Association (2017); The Kansas State University College of Education established a library collection of 763 publications in honor of Dr. John J. Patrick, an adjunct professor (2012-2016); Founders Civic Education Award, Indiana State Bar Association (2005); Civic Education Award, Center for Civic Education, CA (2004); John W. Ryan Award for Distinguished Service in International Programs and Studies, Indiana University (2002); Bicentennial Leadership Award for Contributions to the Commemoration of the U.S. Constitution, Council for the Advancement of Citizenship (1987); Rufus Choate Scholar, Dartmouth College (1956)

National Council for the Social Studies; Social Science Education Consortium; American Political Science Association (APSA); American Historical Association; The Organization of American Historians; Phi Delta Kappa International

Political Affiliation:


Son of John W. Patrick and Elizabeth (Lazar) Patrick
Married: Patricia Grant (8/17/1963)
Children: Rebecca; Barbara
Two Granddaughters

Gardening; Listening and dancing to folk music of various cultures; Playing folk music on accordion; Collecting distinguished rare books

Biography Sources:
Who’s Who in America – 2014, 68th Edition (pub. 2013)
Who’s Who in America – 2013, 67th Edition (pub. 2012)
Who’s Who in America – 2012, 66th Edition (pub. 2011)
Who’s Who in America – 2011, 65th Edition (pub. 2010)
Who’s Who in America – 2009, 63rd Edition (pub. 2008)
Who’s Who in America – 2008, 62nd Edition (pub. 2007)
Who’s Who in America – 2007, 61st Edition (pub. 2006)
Who’s Who in America – 2006, 60th Edition (pub. 2005)
Who’s Who in America – 2005, 59th Edition (pub. 2004)
Who’s Who in America – 2004, 58th Edition (pub. 2003)
Who’s Who in America – 2003, 57th Edition (pub. 2002)
Who’s Who in America – 2002, 56th Edition (pub. 2001)
Who’s Who in America – 2001, 55th Edition (pub. 2000)
Who’s Who in America – 2000, 54th Edition (pub. 1999)
Who’s Who in America – 1999, 53rd Edition (pub. 1998)
Who’s Who in America – 1998, 52nd Edition (pub. 1997)
Who’s Who in America – 1997, 51st Edition (pub. 1996)
Who’s Who in America – 1996, 50th Edition (pub. 1995)
Who’s Who in America – 1995, 49th Edition (pub. 1994)
Who’s Who in America – 1994, 48th Edition (pub. 1993)
Who’s Who in America – 1992-1993, 47th Edition (pub. 1992)
Who’s Who in America – 1990-1991, 46th Edition (pub. 1990)
Who’s Who in America – 1989-1990, 45th Edition (pub. 1988)
Who’s Who in America – 1987-1988, 44th Edition (pub. 1986)
Who’s Who in American Education – 2007-2008, 8th Edition (pub. 2007)
Who’s Who in American Education – 2006-2007, 7th Edition (pub. 2005)
Who’s Who in American Education – 2004-2005, 6th Edition (pub. 2003)
Who’s Who in American Education – 1996-1997, 5th Edition (pub. 1995)
Who’s Who in American Education – 1994-1995, 4th Edition (pub. 1993)
Who’s Who in American Education – 1992-1993, 3rd Edition (pub. 1991)
Who’s Who in the Midwest – 2016, 42nd Edition (pub. 2015)
Who’s Who in the Midwest – 2015, 41st Edition (pub. 2014)
Who’s Who in the Midwest – 2014, 40th Edition (pub. 2013)
Who’s Who in the Midwest – 2013, 39th Edition (pub. 2012)
Who’s Who in the Midwest – 2012, 38th Edition (pub. 2011)
Who’s Who in the Midwest – 2011, 37th Edition (pub. 2010)
Who’s Who in the Midwest – 2010, 36th Edition (pub. 2009)
Who’s Who in the Midwest – 2009, 35th Edition (pub. 2008)
Who’s Who in the Midwest – 2008, 34th Edition (pub. 2007)
Who’s Who in the Midwest – 2007, 33rd Edition (pub. 2006)
Who’s Who in the Midwest – 2006, 32nd Edition (pub. 2005)
Who’s Who in the Midwest – 2005, 31st Edition (pub. 2004)
Who’s Who in the Midwest – 2004, 30th Edition (pub. 2003)
Who’s Who in the Midwest – 2003, 29th Edition (pub. 2002)
Who’s Who in the Midwest – 2002, 28th Edition (pub. 2001)
Who’s Who in the Midwest – 2000-2001, 27th Edition (pub. 2000)
Who’s Who in the Midwest – 1994-1995, 24th Edition (pub. 1994)
Who’s Who in the Midwest – 1988-1989, 21st Edition (pub. 1987)
Who’s Who in the World – 2009, 26th Edition (pub. 2008)
Who’s Who in the World – 2008, 25th Edition (pub. 2007)
Who’s Who in the World – 2007, 24th Edition (pub. 2006)
Who’s Who in the World – 2006, 23rd Edition (pub. 2005)
Who’s Who in the World – 1991-1992, 10th Edition (pub. 1990)
Who’s Who in the World – 1989-1990, 9th Edition (pub. 1988)

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