Therese A. Boisvert, MSEd

Occupation: Credentialing Compliance Coordinator
Born: LaCrosse, Wisconsin

Claims Up Skilling, Logistics Health Incorporated (2019)
MS in Education and Library Sciences, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (1985)
BS in Pre-Law Studies and Political Science, Minor in Sociology, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (1982)

Credentialing Compliance Coordinator, Logistics Health Incorporated (2017-Present)
Assistant, Vicar, The Roman Catholic Diocese of La Crosse (2011-2017)
Occupational Health Department Specialist, Gundersen Lutheran (1989-2011)

Liaison to the Diocese, La Crosse Council of Catholic Women; Secretary, La Crosse Deanery Parish Council of Catholic Women; Secretary, Cathedral Council of Catholic Women; Former Chairperson, Aquinas Education Commission; Member, Education Committee, The Cathedral of Saint Joseph the Workman; Volunteer, Church

Honoree, Distinguished Humanitarian (2017); Honoree, Professional Woman of the Year, National Association of Professional Women; Listee, Sterling Registry of Outstanding Professionals; Listee, Continental Who’s Who Registry of National Business Leaders; Listee, Stanford Who’s Who; Listee, Presidential Who’s Who; Recipient, Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award; Honoree, Marquis Who’s Who Top Professional; Recipient, Marquis Who’s Who Humanitarian Award

Member, Policy Committee, Cathedral Parish Council of Catholic Women; Member, National Association of Professional Women


Needlepoint; Ice skating; Reading

Daughter of Walter and Joanne McKee Boisvert

Biographical Source(s):
Who’s Who in America – 2019, 72nd Edition (pub. 2019)
Who’s Who in America – 2018, 71st Edition (pub. 2018)

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