Mary “Dolly” Gwinn, D.D.G., I.O.M., L.F.I.B.A.

GwinnOccupation: American Philosopher; Organizational Theorist; Business Developer; Management Consultant; Business Theorist; International Speaker; Lecturer; Writer; Artist; Author; Originator; Creator; Original Thinker; Futurist; Conceptualist
Oakland, California, September 16, 1946

Self-Study in the Neurosciences, specifically the Brain and its Functions (1983-1985)
Graduate and Alumni, Dale Carnegie Training, The Dale Carnegie Course, The Dale Carnegie Sales Course, and The Dale Carnegie Management Course (1978-1979)
Coursework, Monterey Peninsula College, Monterey, California (1964-1965)

Founder, President, Gwinn Genius Institute, Scottsdale, AZ (1995-Present)
Founder, President, The Organizational Theorist, Scottsdale, AZ (1995-Present)
President, International Institute for Conceptual Education, Scottsdale, AZ (1993-Present)
Founder, President, Strategic Integrations, Scottsdale, AZ  (1991-Present)
Founder, President, The Business Portfolio Business Development Group, Scottsdale, AZ (1989-Present)
Founder, President, Arizona’s Innovative Business Development Center, Scottsdale, AZ (1985-Present)
Affiliated, The Buzan Centre of Chicago, Chicago, IL (1997-1998)
Partner, Jay Abraham’s International Dream Team, Rolling Hills Estates, California (1995-1996)
Founder, President, Mary Gwinn, Consultant, Scottsdale, AZ (1983-1991)
Manager, KTAR News and Talk Radio, Phoenix, AZ (1982)
Technical Recruiter, Len Annuzzi Technical Recruiters, San Jose, CA (1980-1981)
Marketing Representative, Dale Carnegie Courses, San Jose, California (1978-1979)
Retail Store Manager, Consumers Distributing Division, May Co., Hayward, California (1973-1978)

Career Related:
Founder, President, International Institute for Conceptual Education, Scottsdale, AZ (1993-Present); Speaker, Willard InterContinental Washington D.C. (2000); Speaker, Antelope Valley College, Lancaster, California (1998); Chairperson, Keble College, The University of Oxford (1997); Speaker, INC. Magazine, U.S.A. (1996); Speaker, Clemson University (1996); Speaker, St. Johns College University Cambridge, England (1992)

Judge, Arizona International Pageants (2018)

Creative Works:
Business Columnist, Gwinn on Business, IMAGE Networker, Pennsylvania (1996); Contributor, Articles, Professional Journals; Author, “Genius Leadership Secrets from the Past for the 21st Century” (1995); Writer

Founder of the new fields of study, Geniustics and NeuroBuinesss (1989);  Conceived the Whole Brain Business Theory (1985); Was profiled in “The Thought Process of Genius”

Maison Internationale Des Intellectuels (M.I.D.I.); The Akademie M.I.D.I.

Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award; Marquis Who’s Who Top Executive

Political Affiliation: 

Daughter of Epifanio and Carolina (Lopez) Cruz
Married to James Monroe Gwinn (10/23/1965)
Child: Larry Allen

Biography Sources: 
Who’s Who in Finance and Business – 2009-2010, 37th Edition (pub. 2009)
Who’s Who in Finance and Business – 2008-2009, 36th Edition (pub. 2007)
Who’s Who in Finance and Business – 2006-2007, 35th Edition (pub. 2005)
Who’s Who In Finance and Business – 2004-2005, 34th Edition (pub. 2004)
Who’s Who In Finance and Industry – 2002-2003, 33rd Edition (pub. 2002)
Who’s Who In Finance and Industry – 2001-2002, 32nd Edition (pub. 2001)
Who’s Who In Finance and Industry – 2000-2001, 31st Edition (pub. 1999)
Who’s Who in America – 2018, 71st Edition (pub. 2018)
Who’s Who in America – 2009, 63rd Edition (pub. 2008)
Who’s Who in America – 2008, 62nd Edition (pub. 2007)
Who’s Who in America – 2007, 61st Edition (pub. 2006)
Who’s Who in America – 2006, 60th Edition (pub. 2005)
Who’s Who in America – 2005, 59th Edition (pub. 2004)
Who’s Who in America – 2004, 58th Edition (pub. 2003)
Who’s Who in America – 2003, 57th Edition (pub. 2002)
Who’s Who in America – 2002, 56th Edition (pub. 2001)
Who’s Who in America – 2001, 55th Edition (pub. 2000)
Who’s Who in America – 2000, 54th Edition (pub. 1999)
Who’s Who in America – 1999, 53rd Edition (pub. 1998)
Who’s Who in American Education – 2007-2008, 8th Edition (pub. 2007)
Who’s Who in the West – 2008, 35th Edition (pub. 2007)
Who’s Who in the West – 2007, 34th Edition (pub. 2006)
Who’s Who in the West – 2006, 33rd Edition (pub. 2005)
Who’s Who in the West – 2005, 32nd Edition (pub. 2004)
Who’s Who in the West – 2004, 31st Edition (pub. 2003)
Who’s Who in the West – 2003, 30th Edition (pub. 2002)
Who’s Who in the West – 2002, 29th Edition (pub. 2001)
Who’s Who in the West – 2001, 28th Edition (pub. 2000)
Who’s Who in the West – 2000-2001, 27th Edition (pub. 1999)
Who’s Who in the West – 1998-1999, 26th Edition (pub. 1997)
Who’s Who in the West – 1996-1997, 25th Edition (pub. 1995)
Who’s Who in the World – 2009, 26th Edition (pub. 2008)
Who’s Who in the World – 2008, 25th Edition (pub. 2007)
Who’s Who in the World – 2007, 24th Edition (pub. 2006)
Who’s Who in the World – 2006, 23rd Edition (pub. 2005)
Who’s Who in the World – 2005, 22nd Edition (pub. 2004)
Who’s Who in the World – 2004, 21st Edition (pub. 2003)
Who’s Who in the World – 2003, 20th Edition (pub. 2002)
Who’s Who in the World – 2002, 19th Edition (pub. 2001)
Who’s Who in the World – 2000, 17th Edition (pub. 1999)
Who’s Who in the World – 1997, 14th Edition (pub. 1996)
Who’s Who of American Women – 2008-2009, 27th Edition (pub. 2008)
Who’s Who of American Women – 2004-2005, 24th Edition (pub. 2004)
Who’s Who of American Women – 1997-1998, 20th Edition (pub. 1997)


 Professor, Dr. Boyko Stoyanov, Bulgarian Conductor; Composer; Pianist; Music Teacher. Professor, Dr. Boyko Stoyanov is known as the “Modern Day Chopin”. Delegate, The 22nd International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, The Sheraton-On-The-Park, Sydney, Australia, 1995. “Mary Gwinn has tapped into something that will ‘tap the human mind’ and change people throughout the World! Her work will transform our civilization!”… Professor, Dr. Boyko Stoyanov, Iwaki City, Fukushima, Japan.

Dr. Marion Carter, Fulbright Lecturer; DelegateThe 22nd International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, The Sheraton-On-The-Park, Sydney, Australia, 1995. “Mary! What a gracious Lady to grace the International Congress!”… Dr. Marion Carter, Washington, District of Colombia, USA.  

Mrs. Mary Ford, PhD., Delegate, The International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, 21st International Congress on Arts and Communications, Scandia Hotel, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1994. “Thank you for such an Informative Presentation! The World and all of Humanity should be exposed to your work!”… Mary Forde, PhD., Los Angeles, CA USA.

(1991) Sal Boscia, Business Unit Manager, ADVANTEST AMERICA, INC., ADVANTEST JAPAN, INC., Affiliate of Fujitsu. “By applying Mary Gwinn’s brain principles… use of the brain’s left hemisphere, use of the brain’s right hemisphere, and more importantly their collaboration you have created the ‘Thought Process of a Genius’!”… ADVANTEST AMERICA, INC., Chicago, Illinois, USA. 

Dr. Steven A. Vladem, Educator; Computer Specialist; Mathematician; Independent Film Producer. Delegate, The 20th International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1993. “To Mary, with a great deal of Admiration and Respect!”… Dr. Steven A. Valdem, Chicago, IL, USA.

Dr. Leevy H. Vaughn, Delegate, The 19th International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, St. John’s College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, 1992.“You are great, talented and beautiful!”… Dr. Leevy H. Vaughn, Shaker Heights, OH, USA.  

Linnea Reid, PhD., Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics Physicist, V.P., Research and Light, Inc.,  “The uniqueness of your work lies in the fact that you have a practical understanding of Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics and apply these Scientific Principles, in addition to the utilization of your Whole Brain Business Theory and practice and the Thought Process of Genius to originate and create Whole Brain Business Growth Programs, Management Systems and “Active” Business Models for clients! You think like a Scientist!”

Dr. Marion Johnson, Delegate, The 19th International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, St. John’s College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, 1992.  ”You are the most poised and gracious speaker I have ever heard!”… Dr. Marion Johnson, Johnson, TX, USA.  

William L. Martin, W.L. Martin, Inc. Financial Consultants. “Mary is an ‘Original Thinker’! She makes people successful! After she works with them they will never be the same!”

Carl Schroder, Harvard MBA, Twenty years Strategic Business Planning IBM, Control Data and the Mead Corporation, National and International Marketing Director. “Mary is like a cross between a mini ‘Leo Burnet Advertising Agency’ and a ‘BOOZ, ALLEN & HAMILTON, INC’. She has ability to tell a man the direction his company is going! Her excitement, creativity, fresh approach and in-depth style of question, combined with the mechanics of strategic business planning is not only truly innovative but powerful! I wish I had met her fifty – two years ago to help with all of the business plans!”     

Ron Knightstep, Stanford, PhD, Honeywell Communication Network Specialist. “Mary is an Integrator! She has the ability to see the ‘Whole Picture’, see a Company’s Vision, pull out the ‘Personality of a Business’ and turn it in to an Entity’! This can accelerate its growth ten to fifteen years!”   

Win Kroper, Harvard MBA, Originator of the Hallmark Hall of Fame, Kroper and Company, Inc., Advertising“Mary is like the “g” force! She has an incredibly powerful package to offer people!” 

Kaye Settle, Kaye Settle Unlimited, “Mary is a Strategist! She develops business portfolios including marketing plans complete with strategies and implementation steps for organizations with commitment and vision!”

Lewis Koningsford, Retired Patent Attorney, Clairol, Inc., Small Business Administration, SCORE Volunteer. Lewis Koningsford won Clairol, Inc.’s case before the Supreme Court, USA. “Mary does for business what franchising was supposed to do forty – seven years ago make people successful!”  

1992) Bill Phelps, Chief Financial Advisor, Castillo Company, “Mary Gwinn has a marvelous brilliant mind!  Mary could work anywhere! In Industry and Government, Science, Technology, Medicine, Leadership, Education, etc.! Mary’s Gwinn’s work is overwhelming, intimidating, precise, strategic, focused, complete, beautiful, elegant and brilliantly integrated! Possibilities are endless!  Mary Gwinn is an Organizational Theorist / Business Theorist! Mary does what she says she can do! Though 50 – 75 years or more ahead of her time! Clients have seen Business Growth, Gross and Net Profit increases of 50% to 350%! Some developed a National Business! Others an International Business! One became one of President George Bush’s Points of Light! While others became millionaires, exceeding beyond their Wildest Dreams!”

(1991) Robert Oakley, Rutgers, BS, Electrical and Communications, Engineering, President and CEO, ADVANTEST AMERICA INC., ADVANTEST JAPAN, INC., Affiliate of Fujitsu, “Upon learning of Mary Gwinn and Mary Gwinn’s life’s work through Bill Dunlap, President and CEO of COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, I arranged to meet with Mary at the 1991, SEMICON Show, Moscone Centre, San Francisco, CA, USA!  I riveted by her mind flew into Scottsdale, Arizona, USA to see Mary Gwinn’s work and asked her to submit a two-page outline of her work via fax for a four-hour introductory seminar on her life’s work at Lincolnshire Headquarters, Chicago, IL, USA for our Corporate Staff, Lawyer and several Board Members from ADVANTEST JAPAN, INC.!  Upon receipt of Mary Gwinn’s two-page faxed outline titled, “WHOLE BRAIN BUSINESS THEORY: A VIEW FOR THE CORPORATE MIND” SEMINAR, I flew into Japan and met with the Guru of Fujitsu! When I gave him Mary Gwinn’s page faxed outline “WHOLE BRAIN BUSINESS THEORY: A VIEW FOR THE CORPORATE MIND” the Guru of Fujitsu said, “Mary Gwinn uses the exact words and exact areas in her outline which we were looking for! Mary Gwinn is the “One”! She is the person we were looking for! For the Japanese had foreseen seven years earlier a “Whole Brain Thought Process” would be coming out in the World! Would be multifaceted and would allow one to do things in business of an immense magnitude! We knew it is not offered or taught at any college, university, institution or anywhere else in the World! We knew it would be a person with God given ability! The Guru of Fujitsu then went on to say. “ Mary Gwinn chose to use the exact words and exact areas which we wanted to see! And she chose to use the precise words and precise areas which I wanted to see! Which only the “One” with the “Natural Talent” would know! Mary Gwinn is the only person in the World who does what she does! Mary Gwinn is the only person in the World who does this work!” 

Mary Gwinn conducted this seminar at our Lincolnshire Headquarters, Chicago, IL, USA. After this seminar I asked Mary Gwinn if she would additionally, conduct Discovery Interviews with my Corporate Staff, Lawyer and several Board Members who flew in from Japan specifically for Mary Gwinn’s Seminar! Mary Gwinn not only graciously accommodated me! Mary Gwinn took it a step further and formulated a spectacular Summary Report for ADVANTEST AMERICA, INC. of our July 9 – 10, 1991 Engagement with her!  Mary Gwinn boggled our brains and our minds! Mary Gwinn gave us exactly what we wanted! And what we sought! It was clear! It was simple! It was profound! It applies to business! It applies to life! It applies to everything! The President of ADVANTEST JAPAN, INC. so impressed Mary Gwinn was invited to take a tour of our factory, R & D and automation plant in Fukushima, Japan which she accepted! Mary Gwinn’s life’s work is riveting and momentous! Mary Gwinn delivers a superior product for the 21st Century!”       

Mrs. Arunthathy Sri Ranganthan, Director of Broadcasting; Vocalist; Musician. Delegate, The 24th International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, Keeble College, University of Oxford, Oxford, England, 1997. “It is really great meeting you! Best Wishes!”… Mrs. Arunthathy Sri Ranganthan, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Anna Maria Farias Esquire, Attorney and Executive Director, Special Assistant/Attorney Advisor to Secretary of Education and Deputy Director of Office of Bilingual Education, Washington DC; Counsel to National Labor Relations Board, Washington DC; Legal Advisor to US Department of Labor-Deputy Secretary, Washington DC; Member, Wage Appeals Board and Board of Service Contract Appeals, US Department of Labor, Washington DC. Delegate, The 24th IBC/ABI International Congress on Arts and Communications, Keble College, Oxford University, England, 1997… “Dear Mary, You are a truly, a brilliant lady! And such great fun!  Let’s stay in Touch!”… Anna Maria Farias Esquire, Crystal City, Texas, U.S.A.      

Professor, Dr. He Wang and Mrs. Lianfen Wang, Delegates, The 23rd International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, California, USA, 1996. “We wish sincerely Mrs. Mary Gwinn achieve a great success in her career and more happiness in her life. Let her beauties more brighter the World.” Professor He Wang and Mrs. Lianfen Wang, China.  

Dr. Leevy H. Vaughn, Delegate, The 22nd International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, California, USA, 1996. “You are One of the Greatest!  I hope to see you again!”… Dr. Leevy Vaughn, Shaker Heights, OH, USA.”

Herta Murphy, Delegate, The 20th International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications”, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1993. “With much Admiration for you Mary!”… Herta Murphy, Seattle, Washington, USA.

Sandra L. Cline, Delegate, The 19th International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, St. John’s College, University of Cambridge, England, 1992. “Your Seminar was great!”… Sandra L. Cline, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA.

Professor Charles W. Cline, Professor of English; Poet. Delegate, The International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1993. “I’m glad you came to the 20th Congress!”… Professor Charles W. Cline, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA.

Ms. Colleen Chanel, Recording Artist; Artist; Actress. Delegate, The 23rd International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, California, USA, 1996. “I look forward to our ‘One on One’ Conversations!”… Ms. Colleen Chanel, Aptos, California, USA.

Mrs. Shirley Kaye, Chief Art Designer; United States Post Office, Washington DC, USA; Ladies Couturier; Delegate, The 19th International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, St. John’s College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, 1992. “Dearest Mary, … It is a pleasure and honor to have you at the 19th Congress! Please call when you come to (NYC) New York City and be my guest!”… Mrs. Shirley Kaye, New York, NY, USA. 

Lady Gloria Clayton, Chair, “Women of Achievement”, Delegate, The 19th International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, St. John’s College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, 1992. “Thank you for your well delivered speech! Let’s stay in link!”… Lady Gloria Clayton, Perth, Australia.

His Excellency Solomon T. Muna, Prime Minister of West CameroonDelegate, The 19th International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, St. John’s College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, 1992. “With best wishes to Mrs. Mary D, Gwinn.” … His Excellency Solomon T. Muna, Prime Minister of West Cameroon, Mbengwi, Mono Div, NW Province, Cameroon, Central Africa.

Professor Charles W. Cline, Professor of English; Poet; Author; Pianist; Delegate, The 19th International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, St. John’s College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, 1992. “My Best, Charles Cline.” … Professor Charles W. Cline, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA

Lady Humphreys, Delegate, The 19th International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, St. John’s College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, 1992.  “Greetings!” … Lady Humphreys, Darling Point, NSW, Australia

Dr. Leevy H, Vaughn, Psychologist; Psychometrist Counselor. Delegate, The 19th International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, St. John’s College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, 1992.  “You are great, talented and beautiful.” … Dr. Leevy H. Vaughn. Shaker Heights, Ohio, USA

Dr. Marion Elizabeth Carter, Professor Foreign Languages; Fulbright Lecturer. Delegate, The 19th International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, St. John’s College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, 1992. “Best wishes always.” … Dr. Marion Elizabeth Carter, Washington DC, USA

Herta Magdalene Albrecht MurphyProfessor; Author; Statistics Assistant and Secretary, Office of the Quarter Master General, Washington DC, USA. “Best wishes to you, Mary. You are a dear. I hope to see you again. Love, Herta A. Murphy.” … Herta Magdalene Albrecht Murphy. Seattle, Washington, USA 

Marion Russel Wiemann, Jr., Biologist, Microscopist, McCrone Research Institute, USA. Delegate, The 19th International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, St. John’s College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, 1992.  “Very Best Wishes and Kindest Regards Always.” … Marion Russel Wiemann, Jr., Chesterton, Indiana, USA

Professor Bill D. Francis, Leslie Waggener Professor Emeritus in Fine Arts,  Moderator, ”Who’s Who at the Congress”, Delegate, The 21st International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute,  International Congress On Arts and Communications, Scandic Crown Hotel, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1994. “Thank you for your contribution to the success of Who’s Who!”… Professor Bill D. Francis, Austin, Texas, USA. 

Larry Eastlund, CEO, EcoTech, Inc. International, “I am smitten with the staggering potential of Mary Gwinn’s work!”

Alice Hill, Chair, Delegate, The 22nd International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, The Sheraton-On-The-Park, Sydney, Australia,1995. The highlight of the event was a poem “We Love You” by Distinguished Delegate, Alice Hill, “We Love You” who brought Mrs. Gwinn personal greetings and gifts from native American Indians in honor of her part American Ute Indian heritage.

Chief Golden Eagle, a Shoshone Indian, and Little Bear Dominguez, an Apache Indian personally made an exquisite blue “Dream Catcher” for Mrs. Gwinn. Chief Cooke, Chief of the Chumash Indians, of Southern California sent greetings saying, “The “Dream Catcher” is reflective of Mary Gwinn’s work. We are very proud of her pioneering work with the “Thought Process of Genius” and her Indian heritage. We claim her across the Indian Nations of the United States.” Chief Golden Eagles will show the video of this presentation to Mary Gwinn at the Congress, made in Sydney, Australia as he visits Indian Nations across the United States of America in 1995.”

Marylin Rollins, CEO, Gifts Anon, Inc., Member of MENSA, “What I learned from Mary Gwinn and what Mary Gwinn has taught me is more valuable to me than my University Education or Degree!  Why you ask?  Because, Mary Gwinn has taught me – HOW TO THINK… Invaluable, Precious, and Brilliant!”  

Marilyn Rollins, CEO, Gifts Anon, Inc. “You have been a jewel in assisting me in developing my business into a streamlined and better functioning operation!  Since you started working with me my business has expanded!  I experienced BUSINESS GROWTH! OUR SALES, GROSS PROFIT & NET PROFIT INCREASED SIGNIFICANTLY TO THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY PERCENT! Thank you very much for your ready, willing, and very capable Management Consultations!… Best wishes! You are one fantastic Lady!”

(1992) Mayor Herbert Drinkwater, Scottsdale, Arizona. “Mary –  If you ever want to get into Politics call me! You would be great for Scottsdale and Arizona! What a talent!”

(July 6, 1988) Raymond G. Rottas, State Treasurer of Arizona, State Senator Arizona, USA, Retired Colonel, USAF. ”Dear Mary,… Just a note to let you know that I enjoyed our conversation last week!  Although I must confess that I expected it to be a one-way exchange, it was far from that!  I learned a lot and appreciate very much, the opportunity to meet you and share thoughts on many subjects!  Cordially, Ray Rottas, State Treasurer” 

(2018) Monique Branscomb Whilhite, Esq., Executive State Director, Arizona International Pageants, United States., “Dear Dolly, I cannot thank you enough for the simple and fresh, beautiful and elegant business stationery you designed for me which truly reflects who I am and my goals in life!  You are such a unique person with unique talents!  It is always a pleasure to speak with you because you are so positive and joyful! It is an honor to know you and call you friend!  You are the best!  Love, Monique Whilhite.”  

(1991) Candice Nagel, Representative, Arizona House of Representatives, “Mary Gwinn helped me develop ‘Political Clout’ and ‘Moxie’!  She knows how to ‘play hard ball’! And I like that!  I invited her to lunch at the Capital and instructed staff to sit Mary Gwinn in the front row of the balcony for our session! Then to have her stand up. She was surprised when I went forward and said, “Madam Speaker, I am honored to introduce Members of the Arizona House of Representatives to Mary Gwinn!” All Members of the Arizona House of Representatives stood up in unison, turned around and looked up at Mary Gwinn standing up in the front of the balcony! Then honored Mary Gwinn with a long and rousing, standing ovation! Mary Gwinn is extremely gifted, quite gracious, multifaceted and extraordinarily effective in her work and what she does!

Richard Obst,Jr., Business Writer, Paradise Valley, BUSINESS REVIEW, 1992, “Mary Gwinn has ‘The Beauty of a Pure Mind’ and ‘Warm Heart’! She is stimulating to interview and fun! Mary thinks like Socrates and thinks like a Scientist! What a powerful package together!” 

Ann McCommas, Director, Aim Motivational Seminars, “Thank you for including Aim Motivational Seminars in your “BUSINESS SHOWCASE”!  I was so impressed with the Standard of Excellence of the Showcase and the energy level of those who attended!  The Showcase reflected your personal style, Mary!  It was impeccably done with… Style, Warmth and Drama!”

William L. Martin, President, W.L. Martin, Inc., Financial Consultants, “Mary is an “Original Thinker”! She makes people successful! After she works with them they will never be the same!… Mary’s work is transformative!”   

William L. Martin, President, W.L. Martin, Inc., Financial Consultants, “Your ability to interview, research and obtain specific information for our clients has been very helpful in our formation of programs to ensure their financial success! You have a very, unique talent in obtaining pertinent information from personnel and then formulating that information to a concise and beneficial business philosophy! Obviously, this philosophy can assist a company in developing strategic business planning and marketing programs!”  

Barbara Fernandez, BVM, S.H.A.R.E. & Associates, “Despite my years in my company and my industry you made me see the ‘Whole Vision’ for that I am grateful! Thank you for a very comprehensive, professional and quite Remarkable Brochure which presents us in a manner we are pleased!”    

Debra A. Burnette, Marketing Director, INSURANCE MEDICAL REPORTER, “I would like to express my appreciation for your creative approach to our needs! Thanks again and I hope to work with you again as our company grows and our needs change!” 

Beverly Barnes, Director, Patient Pride, “Mary Gwinn is an exceedingly remarkable woman!  She is very talented and unique!  Mary’s talent is uncommon and rare; it is timeless and far-reaching!”

Beverly Barnes, Director, Patient Pride, “What I have learned from you is invaluable… strategy, timing, and how to bring about the response I desire and so much more! You have been very sensitive to the needs and goals of my business and committed with me, to the growth and success of my company! From the seeds you helped plant Patient Pride is on its way to, being a nationwide business!”

Jerry and Adele Trier, President & Vice President, OFS Commercial Cleaning Services, “My wife and I have been involved with the operation of our own businesses for many years! The outside input that Mary Gwinn has given us has helped us to zero in on and solidify our goals and objectives! Mary has a unique way of asking questions and rephrasing them. until a person is able, to see and understand, what is really the cause and effect of so many nebulous business transactions! WE ACHIEVED BUSINESS GROWTH, AS WELL AS GROSS PROFIT AND NET PROFIT INCREASES OF A HUNDRED AND FIFTY PERCENT! INCREDIBLE!”   

Greg Gayden, President, EXECUSOURCE INC., “It is not very often I get to write a letter like this! The way you meticulously organized myself and the company with such artistic flair has been refreshing and helpful in keeping the company online with our Goals, Objectives and Vision! We now have a clear picture of the path we need to take to become a successful company and effectively impact our market! You are one brilliant lady!”

Pauline Carrol, President, Lightning Litho & LINKS YOUR CONTACT CONNECTION, INC., “Mary – Because of you! This was a follow-up “Whole Brain” thinking spell I put myself into after your talk! This is my next campaign for LINKS!  You are one electrifying Speaker!”

Joyce Laux, Senior Director, Mary Kay Cosmetics, “ All I can say is Absolutely Awesome! The Leadership Development Training that Mary Gwinn conducted with my key people in March is more than I had ever imagined!”

(1993) David W. Gwynn, C.F.P., Vice President, FOX COMPANY INVESTMENTS, “Dear Mary – Thank you for your efforts in my behalf in aiding me to focus on my future strategic business planning and orienting my progress! As you know, when we first met last year, I had a general idea of where I was going in terms of the financial services industry and areas of service concentration but had not focused on the more synergistic areas of business modeling, projection, and strategically integrated business operations! In this regard your services have been superlative!

As the world economy continues to evolve at an increasingly volatile rate, it will be the province of individuals such as yourself to mold the talents of other individuals and organizations to attack the competitive global business environment we are now confronted with! Initiative, originality, creativity, flexibility, adaptability will be the hallmarks of the marketplace in the 21st Century. In short, “Survival of the Smartest” is being engineered through your efforts! Once again, thank you for arming me for the future!… Warm Regards, David W. Gwinn”  

(2017) Heather Collins, Founder and President, Majestic Interior Design, “I came to you for a new business card a new brand and look! You renamed my company, gave me a whole new look, positioned me, and wrote a letter for me! After, working with you it is clear! Your work is not Broiler Plate, like a Broiler Plate Business Plan! You are an Artist! The business card and the letter you created for me are Artistic! It is Beautiful, Beautiful! Your work is Iconic! You are the ‘brains’ behind all that is happening to me! You have the words I do not have! You changed how I think and experience the World! I see with new eyes! You are a powerful Woman! You are a Genius. Your work is Inspired!”

(2017) Mrs. Clair Chryssolor, UKC Saluki Conformation Judge and Group Steward, “Since I met Dolly Gwinn, February of 2017, everything that has happened to me in my UKC Judging Career and the Show Dog World is because of Dolly Gwinn! She has so much life energy, joy and confidence it rubs off on others, like me! She asked me to be a Saluki Conformation Judge at the upcoming AKC Duel in the Desert Saluki Specialty Shows., in Peoria, Arizona, USA, February 17, 2018!  First, I said no! I have done America before! Then I accepted!

Since then, because of Dolly Gwinn so many opportunities have opened to me! My calendar is overflowing with Judging Assignments around the World through 2020!  What an exciting time I will have judging in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, The Kingdom of Bahrain, and back in England twice and at Crufts in 2020!  It’s like we speak, and things happen!  It is not esoteric! It’s real!

And the thing that is most exciting, instead of receiving a letter or e-mail, I receive a personal call from the lady who represents the Kingdom of Bahrain for the most important Saluki Dog Show in the Kingdom of Bahrain each year!  She requested I be their Saluki Conformation Judge in 2018, and judge over 200 Saluki, because they had heard of me! Shortly thereafter, a personal call came in from the top man in charge of Crufts and Windsor in England.  He called to inform me I had been promoted to Group Steward! All of this has happened since meeting and getting to know Dolly Gwinn at the AKC Saluki Specialty Dog Show, Tuscon, Arizona in February of 2017!

And to think I met Dolly Gwinn as she graciously cut a slice of her red velvet  “STARS OF OUR FUTURE PUPPY PARADE CAKE” for me, after the “STARS OF OUR FUTURE PUPPY PARADE”, an “Original Puppy Parade” which Dolly Gwinn originated and created and served as Master of Ceremonies for this “Original One of a Kind”, “Breed and Breeder Showcase and Puppy Parade” at the AKC Duel in the Desert, Saluki Specialty Shows, February 18th 19th and 20th, 2017! Dolly Gwinn emceed this Parade with such Gusto and Great Success! It was Huge! It was an Exciting and Fabulous Puppy Parade with 19 Saluki Puppies! When Dolly Gwinn stepped out!… Dolly Gwinn took over the World! Dolly Gwinn has such warmth, professionalism and excitement about life! Such confidence and sense of direction of where true opportunities lie and direction an individual or business should go! I count myself lucky to have the opportunity to meet and know Dolly Gwinn because had we not met none of this would have happened!” 

(1997) Deanna K. Paschak, Claims Assistant, Merchant Bonding Company, “Dear Mary – I am writing to personally thank you for coming and speaking at the Women’s Surety Association luncheon on March 30! Your short presentation of some of your life accounts in your life was very Inspirational to me and I know, the other Members and Guests agree! I also want to thank you for sending me a copy of your book! I am currently buried in college textbooks until summer break! But I am looking forward to reading your book the very first chance I get!

Your positive personality genuinely shines through and is a welcomed change from the negative energy we all fight every day! You and your successes are an encouragement for many people around the World, especially women! You have a special gift and should be very proud!

I would like to know more about you, your work and the Gwinn Genius Institute! I have seen you speak twice now and on both occasions I come away feeling like “I COULD CONQUER THE WORLD”!

Lynda Bartlett, New York Model, “Dear Mary – You have no idea the effect you have on people! If you were sick, and in the hospital, people would still come to you and want you work with them! I wanted to change careers and you originated and created “SEASONS OF A WOMAN’S LIFE”, an ‘Original’, Two – Person Play for me! You not only originated and produced it, I was the Star in it! And you the Master of Ceremonies! We performed it twice! You arranged for two, one and a half hour – performances, one held in Scottsdale, AZ, USA! One held in downtown Phoenix, AZ, USA!… Two weeks later, I get a call from Hollywood for a Screen Test!

You are one incredibly, dynamic and multifaceted genius, who wears many hats! You have the ability, to Originate “Original Ideas and Concepts” and bring them to fruition, not only in business but in all genres and all areas of human endeavors, with what at times, seems like lightning speed! You take what is intangible and make it tangible! You are truly a one of a kind lady who is Uncommonly, Intellectually Brilliant and has an Abundance of Creativity, and is Generous of Heart, and has a great Love for all Mankind! You see solutions, where others see problems! You see the real me, who I really am, not who others want me to be! Only you could achieve this! Your work is Impeccable! And Amazing! YOU ARE LIGHT YEARS AHEAD OF YOUR TIME!”  

Karen Thude, “I am a trust fund baby! My father wanted me to work for him! I did not want to work for him because I wanted to be myself and do it myself! I learned of Mary Gwinn and her high standards and spectacular results in business! So, I contacted Mary Gwinn and asked her to work with me! I told her, I want to be a Personal Assistant to the President of a Business! I do not want to work for my father! Mary Gwinn groomed me and taught me many things! Public Speaking, How to Dress for Business, How to Interface with People at all Levels in Business, Society, and in Life!

Mary Gwinn showed me how to be more expressive, to present and sell my ideas to others, and make recommendations to those higher up in a company, and they would listen to me! Mary Gwinn showed me how to interview for the position I wanted! She opened my eyes to Business and to the World! Mary Gwinn taught me about The Brain and Its Many Functions! I learned how to communicate, most effectively with others and to express my own ideas to them! I grew tremendously!

Today I am a very happy and self-confident Personal Assistant to the President of a Business in the USA! I did not need to go to college! All this thanks to the uniquely gifted and extraordinarily brilliant and vastly creative Mary Gwinn! Mary Gwinn has given me a treasure trove of talents, knowledge and skills that will last me a lifetime! Mary Gwinn showed me how to be myself! And how to be true to myself! Mary Gwinn molded me to be the person I am today!                                  

I will not be left behind in the 21st Century! It is like Mary Gwinn poured her life energy into me! And my Dad? He is so very proud of me and the dynamic woman I have become! The person who I was meant to be! I value the marvelous and invaluable knowledge, skills, education and talents I have learned from Mary Gwinn! She believed in me when I could not! I would not be where I am without her! It is like I was trained under the Master!”

(2017) Mrs. Michelle La Flamme Haag, AKC Conformation Judge, “Dolly Gwinn is an AMAZING “ORIGINAL THINKER”! Dolly Gwinn originated and created her “STARS OF OUR FUTURE PUPPY PARADE”, A ONE OF KIND PARADE NEVER SEEN BEFORE IN THE WORLD! Dolly Gwinn’s Puppy Parade brought the MAGIC BACK TO THE DOG SHOWS! The parade was brilliant and fabulous! When, Dolly Gwinn stepped out! She took over the World! Everyone is still talking about it! Dolly Gwinn creates things that are Incredible!”

(2017) Mrs. Michelle La Flamme Haag, AKC Conformation Judge, “Dolly! You conceived and created a One Of A Kind, “Original” and never been seen or done at any AKC or UKC Dog Shows or Events or anywhere else in the World, the… STARS OF OUR FUTURE  PUPPY PARADE … which you created. then produced it and served as Master of Ceremonies for at our AKC Duel in the Desert Saluki Specialty Shows, held after the shows in Tuscon, Arizona, February 19, 2017!  Your… STARS OF OUR FUTURE PUPPY PARADE … is so unique and spectacular and has featured elements in it, that have never been seen before at any Dog Show or any Dog Event throughout the World!  You approached the International Premier Professional Dog Shows and Dog Events and the Worlds of AKC and UKC from a whole different perspective!  Your intent and purpose, is different!  You, Dolly focused instead on the Celebration of the Saluki and to Bring Honor to our Breed, the beloved Saluki and to the Breeders / Handlers and Owners who work so hard and with such love and devotion to the Saluki!  And you achieved exactly that!”

Herbert K. Cummings, President, Herbert K. Cummings Foundation, Board of Trustees, Nathaniel Cummings Foundation, Nathaniel Cummings, Founder and President, CONSOLIDATED FOODS, “Mary Gwinn and I met by pure happenstance and as a result of our first telephone conversation and the fact that she sent me a very gracious thank you note, I called her after New Years and personally invited Mary to come to my office in Scottsdale, AZ because I wanted to meet Mary Gwinn and visit with her!

In that first meeting, we immediately hit it off! I wanted to know more of Mary Gwinn’s work with entrepreneurs and CEO’s and her bold and exciting Whole Brain Methods and technologies to help them see quick growth and increased profits in a relatively short period of time!

I was captivated and incredibly impressed by Mary Gwinn; and invited her to continue to visit with me once a year, or more should something special happen and she would like to share it with me! Since then we have met regularly now, over a number, of years and continue to discuss many exciting things and cover a multitude of subjects!

And I still amazed, by the tremendous progress that Mary Gwinn makes each year! So much so I told Mary, I want to come to your conference room at the Gwinn Genius Institute to see more of your work and I did! Her conference room is beautiful, amazing and such ambiance!

 It’s clear, Mary Gwinn’s work is Overwhelming, Exciting, Precise, Inspiring, Marvelous and Stellar! Mary Gwinn is a truly gifted, extraordinarily, intellectually brilliant lady who is an ‘Original Thinker’, blessed with an ‘Abundance of Creativity’!

What Mary Gwinn has achieved is a very great and significant work which she brings to the World and all of humanity! Its span shall be for all Mankind! And for the ‘TWENTY- FIRST CENTURY’ AND ‘ALL CENTURIES BEYOND’!”                                                                                                                                                                                                          Reverend John L. Vance, New York, New York, “I just learned of Dolly Gwinn’s work in 2017! And in speaking to her and in learning more of her work, her adventures, and her business achievements, I like many others am in awe and extremely impressed! Her work is extraordinary! Dolly Gwinn brings Brilliance, Love of Others and A Great Joy to the World! Dolly Gwinn’s work is Far Reaching and Ground Breaking!… Dolly Gwinn has E’lan and Panache! 

Dr. Syed Anwar Saeed, Double MA English and Linguistics; Registar, Jamia Urda, Aligarh, Delegate. The 27th International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Millennium Congress On Arts And Communications, The Historic Willard Inter-Continental Hotel, Washington DC, USA, 2000. “Mary Gwinn’s MIND OF GENIUS lecture at the 27th International Millennium Congress on Arts and Communications is so intellectually brilliant, enlightening and profound, I have extended a formal invitation to Mary Gwinn to come to India and present her MIND OF GENIUS lecture to university audiences and government audiences in India! Mary Gwinn’s work is breakthrough! Her work applies to all nations, and future generations!”… Dr. Syed Anwar Saeed, Aligarh, India.     

(1991) Sal Boscia, Business Unit Manager, ADVANTEST AMERICA, INC., ADVANTEST JAPAN, INC., Affiliate of Fujitsu., 1991.  “The use of Mary Gwinn’s Brain Principles, are invaluable in business. She has created the environment and “The Thought Process of a Genius”.”  Business Unit Manager, Sal Boscia’s quote after participating in Mary Gwinn’s introductory seminar, “WHOLE BRAIN BUSINESS THEORY: A VIEW FOR THE CORPORATE MIND”.

Dr. Joseph W. Kovach, Director, Psychologist, Business Consultant, The Buzan Centre of Chicago, USA. Delegate, The 24th International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, Keble College, University of Oxford, Oxford, England, 1997. “It is incredible to meet you and you are such fun! You brilliantly chaired the Communications Seminar in which I was one of the featured speakers! I am so impressed that you took such initiative and personally contacted me prior to the International Congress to get to know me and of my life’s work! You even went so far to ask me the areas I would like stressed. Your work ahead of the International Congress led to a brilliant introduction!

Your introduction of me totally mesmerized, this brilliant international audience even before I opened my mouth to speak! As promised each speaker at the end of the Communications Seminar, you had delivered exactly what you said you would do! We each had our own fan club and following for this spectacular, International Congress held at Keble College, University of Oxford, Oxford, England!… What a gracious Lady you are Mary, with vast talents!… You have such an incredible pulse on people!… It is Amazing!”… Dr. Joseph W. Kovach, Chicago, Illinois, USA.      

Diane M. Cummings Halle,  Philanthropist,  President, Herbert K. Cummings Foundation Charitable Trust, Member Board of Trustees, Nathan Cummings Foundation.  Nathan Cummings, Founder of Consolidated Foods and Sara Lee Foods; Chairman and President, The Diane & Bruce Halle Foundation, Bruce Halle, Founder of Discount Tires…. DIANE M. CUMMINGS, January 27, 1994… Mrs. James Gwinn, 5836 East Angela, AZ 85254…   “Dear Mary:  Thank   you   very   much   for   keeping   me   informed  of   your   great   progress.   I   send   my   congratulations.”… Sincerely,….. Diane M. Cummings…. DMC/mh   

Robert Oakley, Rutgers University, BS, Electronics and Communications Engineering, President and CEO, ADVANTEST AMERICA, INC., ADVANTEST JAPAN, INC., Affiliate of Fujitsu, “Mary Gwinn experiences the World Artistically; it touches, greatly impacts and permeates everything she does! Because of that, Mary Gwinn’s work is Beautiful, Elegant, Gracious, Brilliant, and All Encompassing!   

Mary Gwinn is an individual who thinks three dimensionally, lives in the moment, yet thinks futuristically, pulls it all together, walks in and grabs your attention!… Her work is dynamic, fresh and exciting!

Mary Gwinn understands business better than many who go to business schools or University or maybe President and CEO running a Business, Organization or University in the World of today!

Mary Gwinn explodes your mind with a plethora of ideas to grow your business, solve problems, all the while stream-lining your business, sharpening your focus and Commitment!

And if you are really, lucky like ADVANTEST AMERICA, INC. and ADVANTEST JAPAN, INC. an Affiliate of Fujitsu, Mary Gwinn reveals her Process; Whole Brain Business Theory and Practice; and “The Thought Process of Genius”!  And unfolds it right before you like she did for us!”

“Absolutely Amazing!… Remarkable!… Breakthrough!… Mesmerizing!… Profound!”   

Lynn Knightstep, Business Writer, Honeywell, “Like ”Mame” in the Broadway play “Mame”, Mary is bold in personality! Mary’s work is beautiful, stellar, elegant and superior! It is far reaching and long lasting! Mary does not think in Levels nor Parts! Mary thinks in all-encompassing “Whole Systems” to move businesses forward quickly, and dramatically into a more prosperous Future!”   

Marina Venezuela Smith, Professor of English, French and Spanish; Foreign Language Professor; Author. Delegate, The 26th International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, The Ritz Four Season’s Hotel Continental Hotel, Lisbon, Portugal, 1999. “Mary, what an exceedingly brilliant and gracious Lady to grace the International Congress! You chaired the Communications Seminar with such ease, and proudly showcased and dramatically featured each speaker! You are an incredible Chairperson! 

Please be my guests! Both you and your husband come join me for two weeks in Paris, France! And celebrate New Year’s Eve 2000 in Paris, France! I own, a two-bedroom suite across the street from the Eifel Tower! We will go to museums and cafes and explore Paris together! I speak French so no worries! Do join this wonderful adventure with me! With best wishes always!”… Dr. Marina Valenzuela Smith, Granada Hills, California, USA.          

Lois Kaplan, Lieutenant Colonel (Retired); Women’s Army Corps; Adjutant General Corps; Producer-Director US Army Shows, Entertainment Services and Programme Director, Army Services Clubs Europe; Writer – Composer – Sculptor; Lecturer; Arts and Humanities; Music Teacher. Delegate, Chair, “Preparing For The Twenty First Century And Beyond: Whole Brain Thought”, The 20th International Biographical Centre and The American Biographical Institute, International Congress on Arts and Communications, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1993. “I was honored to be the Chair for your Seminar: “Preparing For The Twenty First Century And Beyond: Whole Brain Thought”! Thank you for such an Informative Presentation! It was spectacular and profound! You and your work are far reaching! Your work will impact the World in ways not yet imagined!

You have a marvelous brilliant mind! You see the World through the eyes of the Explorer! You have the mind of the Inventor! You live in a World of Wonderment of God’s Creation and every day an Adventure! You deeply care about others! You are light years ahead in your thinking!… You, Mary are the “Marco Polo of the Mind”!… You are great fun and make for good company!

Thus, I wish to invite both you and your husband to join me on holiday for a week at my timeshare in the Blue Mountains, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee overlooking a river! We will have a great time together! We will enjoy the views and fresh air! I hope you will accept my invitation! With best wishes always!”… Lois Kaplan, Lieutenant Colonel, Anniston, Alabama, USA.    

Yang Shi Lang, Editor, HAIKOU EVENING PAPER OFFICE, 1996, 12 – 15,   “Dear Mrs. Gwinn I’m glad to have received your letter and your picture, you look so pretty.  I‘ll take good care of it and friendship between us will exist forever.  My English is very poor, so it’s difficult to write you in English for me.  My daughter always help me translate and write.  I’m very sorry that I’m not able to write you in time and talk with you easily.  If you have a friend beside you who is good at Chinese, I’m pleased to write in Chinese.  I think Chinese reader will be very happy to read them if your writings are translated and published in China.  Of course, I’ll be willing to write the preface for your books.  I’ll write a graceful prose for our friendship.  The 24th International Arts and Communications Congress will convene in Oxford City of England in Sept. 1997.  I’m invited, and I’m planning to participate.  I hope I can meet you in England and take many beautiful photos of you.  Friendly feelings are similar in different races and different countries.  I really hope people of the world can live together peacefully and enjoy free associations.  We top civilized people should take positive part in this.  Am I right?  Send a photo of mine and my daughter’s.  My daughter is my interpreter and bridge between you and me.  I really appreciate her.  Give my best to your husband!  Yours  Sincerely, YANG SHI LANG…. Yang Shi Lang, HAIKOU EVENING PAPER OFFICE, Hainan, China. 

(1989) Adele Trier, Vice President, OFS Commercial Cleaning, “During the time that Mary Gwinn was working with my husband and I on our business, we asked her if she would spend some time with our son, Todd who was applying for a full Scholarship to a Medical School and to help him increase his chances not only for admittance to the school, but also to get a full scholarship! Mary being who she is said, “Yes!” Mary Gwinn told Todd to pull together his resume, grades, and any other paperwork or items that he felt might be relevant to his admittance or to getting a full scholarship and she would be happy to work with him! Then Mary Gwinn spent over two hours with our Todd!

Mary Gwinn focused Todd, she told him his strengths and prepared him for the interview! She even put together a special and Complete Portfolio on Todd, like she did a “Business Portfolio” for us to grow and expand our business! Mary Gwinn included a write – up about Todd, who he is, his beliefs, his mission, his vision, his purpose, his grades, his commitment of being the best surge0n he could be, and his ideas for research in his area of interest, etc.!

Mary Gwinn put each individual page of “Todd’s Portfolio” into mylar, and then put these pages into a beautiful black leather, three-ring binder which she let Todd borrow for his important interview at the Medical School!  Not only did our son, Todd get into the Medical School he also got a full Scholarship, too!

Todd told us that when he presented the beautiful, black leather three-ring binder with all his information before them on single pages in mylar, that as he went through this wonderful “Portfolio” which Mary Gwinn had prepared for him, the Interviewers were stunned at his level of confidence, his demeanor, his presentation style and this incredible “Portfolio”! Then, suddenly the Interviewers stopped Todd and said, “Stop, we have never seen anything like this! It’s amazing! It’s incredible!”  He told us, “The Interviewers were stunned, overwhelmed, maybe a bit intimidated, but really very impressed!”

My husband and I were not surprised, because we know the stellar quality and impeccable standards and completeness of Mary Gwinn’s work! She not only helped our, son to get into Medical School, Mary Gwinn helped him to get a full Scholarship!  We are grateful parents!  And our Todd ecstatic and grateful!  

We know, Mary Gwinn’s brilliant work, what she is capable of and how committed she is to the success of each one of her clients! Not only does Mary Gwinn always aims to succeed in all she does! She went far beyond my husband’s, mine, or our son’s hopes and expectations to help our Todd do a blow-out interview, be accepted into the Medical School and to get a full Scholarship!

On a business note, aside from Mary Gwinn creating the “Actual”, Active Working Model for our business! She put it into what she calls a “Business Portfolio”! We call it the Company Bible!… OUR BUSINESS GREW AND EXPANDED!

We increased our net profits by 150,000 dollars for ourselves, our business or whatever we wanted to do! Mary Gwinn, her creativity, her brilliance, her methods, approach and technologies have turned our business into an Entity!

And, to top it off our son, Todd got into Medical School and received a full Scholarship because Mary Gwinn stepped forward and helped him!  It does not get better than that!

You see, it is not important that you should understand Mary Gwinn, and try to figure her out or what makes her tick, because you never will! What is important for you to know is Mary Gwinn goes far beyond your expectations! She stretches your mind! Mary Gwinn is a tremendously talented woman!

Mary Gwinn’s great talent just seemingly pours out of her! It is overflowing! Working with Mary Gwinn is a truly amazing experience! Your mind is stretched! You are enlightened! And that is when you realize you have just stepped into the Creative and Inventive World and Universe of Mary Gwinn!  

And to think Mary Gwinn achieves all of this by asking you just two questions!   What do you want?… And when do you want it? Then Mary Gwinn begins to formulate how you are going to get there!… Incredible!

Mary Gwinn is Mind Blowing!… Mind Boggling!… And Great Fun and is Extremely Profitable to Work with!  Mary Gwinn is rare and like the “Brass Ring” or “Golden Opportunity” that comes around only once in your lifetime!   Best to grab it!  Mary Gwinn’s work is momentous and a breakthrough for the 20th Century and Beyond! For Mankind and all Humanity!” 

“Excellent Work!…  Great Mind!…  Gracious to Work With!… Spectacular!”

(1992) Gregory Gayden, Founder and President, EXECUSOURCE, INC. P.O. BOX 42622, Phoenix, AZ 85080, June 10, 1992.  MARY “DOLLY” GWINN’S WHOLE BRAIN BUSINESS THEORY AND THE THOUGHT PROCESS OF GENIUS. 

“This letter was written to provide one man’s perspective of Whole-Brain Business Theory.  Of how one man views the Dynamics, Use, Function, and Application of Whole-Brain Business Theory.                                                                                                        

In the world of Business, America has always been the leader in creativity and innovation.  Americans have the knack to be productive, uncanny in perceiving the possibilities of the bottom line, endearing, and the unconquerable.

We have excelled in the material goods, services, sciences, and technology.  It is my belief that America now has the ultimate challenge ahead of its self.  The reinvesting, of its self to achieve, the maximum quality, in every aspect of Business and Social Dynamics to be the World leader in Productivity, Business Ethics, Strategy, Management, Techniques, Marketing, and Education.

One way to achieve the completion of the Reinvesting is using a process, conceived, originated and developed by Mary Gwinn, Founder and President of STRATEGIC INTEGRATIONS.  Mary’s whole-brain approach to Business provides the individual whether President and CEO, Corporate Manager, Sole Proprietor, or Employee the ability to Systematically Integrate themselves into their business, work, and personal life.

The Theory of the Left and Right Brain is a conceivable hypothesis to embark upon for research in Business Management.  Utilizing what Doctors, Psychologist and Scientist have studied about the human brain in their search for understanding the complex nature in which the brain functions.

Some of the Dynamics involved with Whole-Brain Business and Whole Brain Business Theory is once the individual has integrated Mary Gwinn’s Whole Brain Business Theory and Process and Practice; they begin to realize the key to success, whether climbing the corporate ladder or just managing their daily life is within themselves. What I feel is significant is the individual learns who they are.  They also learn how to better assimilate the information.  With this knowledge and ability, the individual becomes part of a team.

It is my belief with the process of Whole Brain Business Theory and Practice and The Thought Process of Genius Mary Gwinn profiled is that it can make an individual more aware of themselves and the World around them.  With this knowledge an individual can better serve the business, and everyone in their life.  They are better able to actualize the element of what Job, Home and Life has to offer.  Some of the most profound values instilled are self-confidence and self-esteem.             

I believe the USE of Mary Gwinn’s Whole-Brain Business and Whole Brain Business Theory and the Thought Process of Genius she profiled has advantages of Immense Magnitude.  The process can transcend every aspect of the Individual’s Life, of Businesses, Industries, Organizations, Communities, Nations, Governments, all fields of Human Endeavors, on a National or Global scale throughout the World, for the good of all Mankind.

Thereby, elevating all nationalities and people groups around the World.  Mary Gwinn’s work literally cuts to the core of Humanity. Mary Gwinn celebrates each Life; and brings Honor to each, Individual across the Globe.

Mary Gwinn’s work is a GAME CHANGER and is TRANSFORMATIONAL to not only the Individual, but to the Business, the Organization, etc. listed above!”

Gregory Gayden, Founder and President, EXECUSOURCE, INC.                                                         

(1998) Dottie Walters, C.S.P., one of the first four women to be designated by the National Speakers Association. Editor and Publisher of Sharing Ideas News Magazine, Author of “The Greatest Speakers I Have Heard.” Founder and President, Sharing Ideas NewsMagazine, for Speakers and Speaker Bureau Agents, author of many books and albums, Owner of Walters International Speakers Bureau, founder of the International Group of Agents, and Bureaus, Dottie has spoken in Malaysia, Australia, Canada, England, the Orient, and across America…. 

“As President of Walters International Speakers Bureau, I have heard thousands of speakers and hundreds and thousands of topics! Mary Gwinn has one of the most unusual, important and exciting topics in the audio album world that I have ever heard! 

Mary Gwinn expresses genius ideas from the past that ignite ideas for this new Century! You will not only enjoy this album thoroughly you will want to purchase many copies to present as special gifts to your best clients and friends! You may have been in Mary Gwinn’s audience as she has spoken around the world! She is the founder and President of Gwinn Genius Institute and is internationally known as a speaker and consultant!

I am delighted that you can listen to her genius words of wisdom in your car, office, at home, in fact where ever you are! Not only is this album a treasure of information, it will excite, inspire and awaken you! As my ‘friend of the mind’ ‘George Bernard Shaw said, “I wish this album great success, but more importantly, I know you will be constantly moved by Mary Gwinn! Each idea she gives you is “To see things in the seed!” As our friend of the mind Lao Tzse, “would tell you that IS genius!”… Dottie Walter, C.S.P., Glendora, CA, USA.     

(February 28, 1994) Prof, Dr. Walter Heubl, President, MAISON INTERNATIONEL DES INTELLECTUELS AKADEMIE M.I.D.I., AIRMAIL  Mrs. Mary Gwinn c / o Strategic Integrations, 5836 East Angela Drive, Scottsdale, Arizona, 85254-6410 USA….

“Dear Mrs. Gwinn, “Herewith I like to welcome you as the President of the “Maison Internationale des Intellectuels” and also as the President of the Academy (M.I.D.I.) which you have become a member.

Enclosed please find two M.I.D.I. – pins. I would like to ask you to wear one of them in any case and also to support our work by looking for new members. For this purpose, we enclose a M.I.D.I. – application for membership so if you find another member note also your name so we can register that at your index-card. You also will find your identity card of the (M.I.D.I.).

Be assured that we use all annual contributions fully for our social aims without any deduction for administration…. Yours faithfully, Prof. Dr.  Walter Heubl,…. Enc., Copy: to Dr. B.J. in den Bosch”.… Prof. Dr. Walter Heubl, MAISON INTERNATIONEL DES INTELLECTUELS AKADEMIE M.I.D.I., Annastrabe, 1211. Augsburg, Federal Republic of Germany.  

Contact Mary “Dolly” Gwinn, D.D.G., I.O.M., L.F.I.B.A.

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