Mark D. Semon, PhD

_Semon, MarkOccupation: Professor Emeritus

PhD in Physics, University of Colorado at Boulder (1976)
Coursework, Imperial College London (1973-1974)
MS in Physics, University of Colorado at Boulder (1973)
BA in Physics, Colgate University, High Honors, Magna Cum Laude , Hamilton, NY (1971)

Professor Emeritus of Physics, Bates College, Lewiston, ME (2017-Present)
Professor, Physics, Bates College, Lewiston, ME (1988-2017)
Associate Professor, Bates College, Lewiston, ME (1983-1988)
Assistant Professor, Physics, Bates College, Lewiston, ME (1976-1983)
Research Assistant, Los Alamos National Laboratory (1974)
Woodrow Wilson Fellow (1971)
Research Assistant, Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, AZ (1970)

Career Related:
Referee, American Journal of Physics (1988-2018); Referee, Foundations of Physics (1989-2017); Accident Reconstructionist, Medical and Technology Consultant, Portland, ME (1986-2017); Member, Editorial Advisory Board, American Journal of Physics (2011-2014); Visiting Professor, Physics, Amherst College (1988-1990); Assistant Editor, American Journal of Physics (1988-1990); Referee, Canadian Journal of Physics; Referee, Chinese Journal of Physics; Farmer, The Center; Expert Witness; Summer Research Assistant, Kitt Peak

Creative Works:
Contributor, Articles, Physical Review; Contributor, Articles, Il Nuovo Cimento; Contributor, Articles, Journal, Sports Engineering; Co-Author, New Equation of Liquid/Gas Systems Near Critical Point; Contributor, Articles, Journal of Mathematics and Physics; Contributor, Articles, American Journal of Physics, Contributor, Articles, Various Professional Journals


Evaluation of expectation values in Aharonov-Bohm effect; Alternative formulator, quantum electrodynamics; Innovator, a new interpretation of the electromagnetic vector potential; Innovator, a new geometric model of velocity addition in special relativity, simplified derivation of Thomas precession, and discussion of its experimental confirmations.

In addition, the subject Dr. Semon wrote his PhD thesis on, the American Journal of Physics told him that it was “the best one” for what they’re doing. So he believes he can make a worthwhile contribution, and so that was good.

Grantee, National Science Foundation (1980); Honoree, Marquis Who’s Who Top Scientist

Member, National Research Corporation (1978); Member, Phi Beta Kappa (1971); Member, Kappa Mu Epsilon (1971); Member, American Physical Society; Member, American Academy of Forensic Scientists; Member, American Association of Physics Teachers; Member, American College of Forensic Examiners; Member, Council of Undergraduate Research; Member, Society of Woodrow Wilson Fellows

Political Affiliation:

Son of Milton K. Semon and Joyce Gloria (Kupper) Semon

Farming; Banjo; Guitar; Classic trucks

Biography Sources:
Who’s Who in America – 2019, 72nd Edition (pub. 2019)
Who’s Who in America – 2016, 70th Edition (pub. 2016)
Who’s Who in America – 2015, 69th Edition (pub. 2014)
Who’s Who in America – 2014, 68th Edition (pub. 2013)
Who’s Who in America – 2013, 67th Edition (pub. 2012)
Who’s Who in America – 2012, 66th Edition (pub. 2011)
Who’s Who in America – 2011, 65th Edition (pub. 2010)
Who’s Who in America – 2010, 64th Edition (pub. 2009)
Who’s Who in America – 2009, 63rd Edition (pub. 2008)
Who’s Who in America – 2007, 61st Edition (pub. 2006)
Who’s Who in America – 2006, 60th Edition (pub. 2005)
Who’s Who in America – 2005, 59th Edition (pub. 2004)
Who’s Who in American Education – 2007-2008, 8th Edition (pub. 2007)
Who’s Who in American Education – 2006-2007, 7th Edition (pub. 2005)
Who’s Who in American Education – 2004-2005, 6th Edition (pub. 2003)
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering – 2016-2017, 12th Edition (pub. 2016)
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering – 2011-2012, 11th Edition (pub. 2010)
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering – 2008-2009, 10th Edition (pub. 2007)
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering – 2006-2007, 9th Edition (pub. 2006)
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering – 2005-2006, 8th Edition (pub. 2004)
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering – 1994-1995, 2nd Edition (pub. 1993)
Who’s Who in the East – 1999-2000, 27th Edition (pub. 1998)
Who’s Who in the World – 2016, 33rd Edition (pub. 2016)
Who’s Who in the World – 2015, 32nd Edition (pub. 2014)
Who’s Who in the World – 2014, 31st Edition (pub. 2013)
Who’s Who in the World – 2013, 30th Edition (pub. 2012)
Who’s Who in the World – 2012, 29th Edition (pub. 2011)
Who’s Who in the World – 2011, 28th Edition (pub. 2010)
Who’s Who in the World – 2010, 27th Edition (pub. 2009)

Contact Mark D. Semon, PhD

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