Felipe I. Tolentino, MD

Occupation: Associate Surgeon
Born: Manila, Philippines

MD, University of the Philippines (1957)
AA, College Liberal Arts, University of the Philippines (1952)
Internship and Residency in Ophthalmology, Philippines General Hospital
Residency, St. Mary’s Hospital, Rochester, NY
Residency, Home G. Phillips Hospital, St. Louis, MO

Certified, American Board of Ophthalmology; Licensed Physician, Philippines; Licensed Physician, Massachusetts; Licensed Physician, Pennsylvania; Certifications & Licensure, American Board of Ophthalmology; Certified in Ophthalmology, American Board of Ophthalmology; Medical License, State Massachusetts

Associate Surgeon, Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary, Boston, MA (1983-Present)
Staff Member, Hahnemann Hospital, Brighton, MA (1983-Present)
Staff Member, Warren Memorial Hospital, Turners Falls, MA (1982-Present)
Associate Clinical Professor, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (1986-Present)
Associate Scientist, Eye Research Institute, Retina Foundation, Boston, MA (1971-Present)
Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA (1975-1985)
Assistant Surgeon, Ophthalmology, Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary, Boston, MA (1980-1983)
Visiting Research Ophthalmologist, University of the Philippines, Manila (1966-1971)
Assistant Professor, University of the Philippines, Manila (1968-1971)
Chairman, Department of Ophthalmology, Manila Medical Center (1969-1970)
Attending Surgeon, Department of Ophthalmology, Makati Medical Center, Manila (1969-1970)
Attending Surgeon, Department of Ophthalmology, Manila Medical Center (1968-1970)
Instructor, University of the Philippines, Manila (1965-1968)
Senior Research Fellow, Eye Research Institute, Retina Foundation, Boston, MA (1964-1965)
Clinical Fellow Retina and Vitreous (Surgery), Eye Research Institute, Retina Foundation, Boston (1962-1964)
Resident Ophthalmology, Homer G. Philipps Hospital (under Washington University), St. Louis, (1961-1962)
Resident Ophthalmology, St. Marys Hospital, Rochester, New York (1959-1961)
Resident Ophthalmology, Philippine General Hospital, Philippines College of Medicine, Medical School (Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat), Manila (1957-1959)
Rotating Intern, Philippine General Hospital, University of the Philippines Medical Center, Manila (1956-1957)

Career Related:
Co-founder, Asian Eye Institute in the Philippines (2001); Member, Editorial Board, Journal Retina & Vitreous (1982); Member, Editorial Board, Archives Ophthalmology (1973-1976); Lecturer, Professional Conferences

Founder, Research Foundation Ophthalmological Foundation of the Philippines (OFPHL) (1970-1980); Founder, Tolentino Eye Research Foundation in Florida

Creative Works:
Co-Author, Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy (PVR) (2011); Co-Author, Atlas of Vitreoretinal Surgery (1990); Author, Vitreoretinal Disorders, (1976); Further observations in the use of retinal gel film in scleral buckling procedures, Tablante, R. T., Tolentino, F. I; Bacterial and sensitivity study of local cases of chronic suppurative otitis, EJERCITO, N. C., ESPIRITU-CAMPOS, L., TOLENTINO, F.; Cystoid macular edema without macular thickening: a retrospective optical coherence tomographic study, Jason J Jun, Jay S. Duker, Caroline R. Baumal, Frank McCabe, Elias Reichel, Adam H. Rogers, Johanna M. Seddon, Felipe I. Tolentino; Best’s macular dystrophy with a macular hole, Mehul C. Mehta, Osamu Katsumi, Soichi Tetsuka, Tatsuo Hirose, Felipe I. Tolentino; Retinal detachment in Marfan’s syndrome, Juancho F. Remulla, Felipe I. Tolentino; Complications of surgery for subfoveal choroidal neovascularization, Mark R. Fleckner, Michael A. Hochman, Sheldon M. Buzney, John J. Weiter, Felipe I. Tolentino, John J. Khadem; Photodynamic tissue adhesion with chlorin(e6) protein conjugates, John J. Khadem, Amadeo A.S. Veloso, Felipe I. Tolentino, Tayyaba Hasan, Michael R. Hamblin; Surgical management of subretinal hemorrhage, Michael A. Hochman, John J. Weiter, Felipe I. Tolentino, Mark R. Fleckner, Sheldon M. Buzney; Surgical management of choroidal neovascular membranes, Michael A. Hochman, John J. Weiter, Mark R. Fleckner, Sheldon M. Buzney, Felipe I. Tolentino; 13-cis-retinoic acid in Silicone-Fluorosilicone copolymer oil in a rabbit model of proliferative vitreoretinopathy, Amadeo A.S. Veloso, Eddie F Kadrmas, Jose M. Larrosa, Michael A. Sandberg, Felipe I. Tolentino, Miguel F. Refojo; The complications of Perfluoropropane gas use in complex retinal detachments, N R Sabates, Felipe I. Tolentino, M Arroyo, H M Freeman; Retinoic Acid in Silicone and Silicone-luorosilicone Copolymer Oils in a rabbit model of proliferative vitreoretinopathy, M Nakagawa, Miguel F. Refojo, J F Marin, M Doi, Felipe I. Tolentino; Vitreous amyloidosis in familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy; Report of a case with the Val30Met transthyretin mutation, Thomas A. Ciulla, Felipe I. Tolentino, Jennifer F. Morrow, Thaddeus P. Dryja; Antiproliferative effect of retinoic acid in intravitreous silicone oil in an animal model of proliferative vitreoretinopathy, Javier Araiz, Miguel F. Refojo, M. H. Arroyo, Fee-Lai Leong, Daniel M. Albert, Felipe I. Tolentino; Silicone oil as a delivery vehicle for BCNU in rabbit proliferative vitreoretinopathy, Milagros H. Arroyo, Miguel F. Refojo, Javier Araiz, Felipe I. Tolentino, Victorio N. Cajita, Victor M. Elner; The refractive index of Vitreous, Refojo Mf, Araiz J, M. H. Arroyo, Felipe I. Tolentino; Long-term complications of the MAI Hydrogel Intrascleral buckling implant, Jesus F. Marin, Felipe I. Tolentino, Miguel F. Refojo, Charles L. Schepens; Vitreous hemorrhage after closed vitrectomy for proliferative diabetic retinopathy, Felipe I. Tolentino, Victorio N. Cajita, Theodore Gancayco, Steven J. Skates; Anterior proliferative vitreoretinopathy: clinicopathologic, light microscopic, and ultrastructural findings, Susan G. Elner, Victor M. Elner, Roberto Diaz-Rohena, H. MacKenzie Freeman, Felipe I. Tolentino, Daniel M. Albert; Reevaluation of corneal complications after closed vitrectomy, Hum Chung, Felipe I. Tolentino, Victorio N. Cajita, Jaime Acosta, Miguel F. Refojo; Extraction of Retinol and Cholesterol by Intraocular Silicone Oils, Miguel F. Refojo, Fee-Lai Leong, Hum Chung, Norio Ueno, Barney Nemiroff, Felipe I. Tolentino; BCNU in silicone oil in proliferative vitreoretinopathy: I.; Solubility, stability (in vitro and in vivo), and antiproliferative (in vitro) studies, Hum Chung, Felipe I. Tolentino, Victorio N. Cajita, Norio Ueno, Miguel F. Refojo; Acute Foveal Outer Retinopathy, Arnaldo P. Cialdini, Alex E. Jalkh, Felipe I. Tolentino; Use of high-density Fluorosilicone oil in open-sky vitrectomy, Hum Chung, Jaime Acosta, Miguel F. Refojo, Felipe I. Tolentino; New Instrument, Vitreoretinal Membrane Surgery, Felipe I. Tolentino, Edward F Baehr, Keifuku Miyamoto; Vitreoretinal dissection set, Nabil M. Jabbour, Felipe I. Tolentino, Tatsuo Hirose; Fluorinated Oils as Experimental Vitreous Substitutes, Keifuku Miyamoto, Miguel F. Refojo, Felipe I. Tolentino, George A. Fournier, Daniel M. Albert; Examination of the Vitreous: A Comparison of Biomicroscopy Using the Goldmann and El Bayadi-Kajiura Lenses, Sheldon M. Buzney, John J. Weiter, Hideki Furukawa, Hiroyuki Hirokawa, Felipe I. Tolentino, Clement L. Trempe, R. Elna; Rapp Hydrogel implant for scleral buckling. Long-term observations, Felipe I. Tolentino, Manuela Roldan, John Nassif, Miguel F. Refojo; Ultrasonographic findings in endophthalmitis, Chan Im, Jalkh Ae, Clement L. Trempe, Felipe I. Tolentino; Pseudophakic retinal detachment. Surgical success rate with various types of IOLs, P C Ho, F I Tolentino; Low-vision Aids for Patients with Suboptimal Vision after Closed Vitrectomy for Diabetic Vitreous Hemorrhage, Ildefonso M. Chan, Gerald R. Friedman, Patrick C. Ho, Felipe I. Tolentino; Bacterial Endophthalmitis After Closed Vitrectomy, Patrick C. Ho, Felipe I. Tolentino; Perfluoroether liquid as a long-term vitreous substitute; An experimental study, Keifuku Miyamoto, Miguel F. Refojo, Felipe I. Tolentino, George A. Fournier, Daniel M. Albert; Vitreous substitute. Experimental studies and review, Ildefonso M. Chan, Felipe I. Tolentino, Miguel F. Refojo, George A. Fournier, Daniel M. Albert; Pathologic processing of vitrectomy specimens. A comparison of pathologic findings with celloidin bag and cytocentrifugation preparation of 102 vitrectomy specimens, Jeremy Chess, J. Sebag, Felipe I. Tolentino, Charles L. Schepens, Joseph P. Calderone, Eleanor Coughlin-Wilkinson, Daniel M. Albert; Fundus Contact Lenses for Closed Pars Plana Vitrectomy, Patrick C. Ho, Martin A. Mainster, J. Paul Dieckert, Felipe I. Tolentino; Toxicity of intravitreous miconazole, Felipe I. Tolentino, C. S. Foster, M. Lahav, L. H. S. Liu, A. R. Rabin; New Cataract Removal Instrumentation and Techniques: II; Laboratory Phacofragmentation with the NASA-McGannon Cataract Fragmentor, Luke H S Liu, Felipe I. Tolentino, Edward F Baehr, Charles L. Schepens; New Cataract Removal Instrumentation and Techniques: I. The NASA-McGannon Cataract Fragmentor, Edward F Baehr, William James Mcgannon, Luke H S Liu, Felipe I. Tolentino, Charles L. Schepens; A hydrophilic acrylate implant for scleral buckling: technique and clinical experience, Felipe I. Tolentino, Miguel F. Refojo, Charles L. Schepens; Closed Vitrectomy in the Management of Diabetic Traction Retinal Detachment, Felipe I. Tolentino, H. MacKenzie Freeman, Flora L. Tolentino; Similar Epithelial Healing Rates of the Corneas of Diabetic and Nondiabetic Patients, Robert C. Snip, Richard A. Thoft, Felipe I. Tolentino; Closed Vitreous Surgery: XVII. Results and Complications of Pars Plana Vitrectomy, Kweku N. Ghartey, Felipe I. Tolentino, H. MacKenzie Freeman, J. Wallace McMeel, Charles L. Schepens, Lloyd M. Aiello; Uveal effusion following pan-retinal photocoagulation, John J. Weiter, Brockhurst Rj, Felipe I. Tolentino; A new lens for closed pars plana vitrectomy, Felipe I. Tolentino, Hal M. Freeman; Factors related to corneal epithelial complications after closed vitrectomy in diabetics, Gary N. Foulks, Richard A. Thoft, Henry D. Perry, Felipe I. Tolentino; Pseudophakic retinal detachment, H M Freeman, J G Dobbie, M W Friedman, G P Johnston, O H, Jungschaffer, A R McPherson, D H Nicholson, H F Spalter, C P Wilkinson, W S Tasman; Corneal complications after closed vitrectomy through the pars plana, Henry D. Perry, Gary N. Foulks, Richard A. Thoft, Felipe I. Tolentino; Intravitreous silicone balloon: an experimental study, Felipe I. Tolentino, Refojo Mf, Liu Hs, Charles L. Schepens, Freeman Hm; Phacocryolysis and phacoemulsification, Hsiao-Su Liu, Felipe I. Tolentino, Jack V. Greiner; Massive cataract relief in eye camps, Liu Hs, McGannon Wj, Felipe I. Tolentino, Charles L. Schepens; Vitreous surgery. XIV. Complications from sclerotomy in 89 consecutive cases, Yvon M. Tardif, Charles L. Schepens, Felipe I. Tolentino; Glaucoma Occurring after Closed Vitrectomy, David G. Campbell, Richard J. Simmons, Felipe I. Tolentino, J. Wallace McMeel; Pars plana Virectomy. Preoperative evaluation, Felipe I. Tolentino, Freeman Hm, Schepens Cl, Hirose T; Experimental cataract fragmentation:instrumentation and laboratory evaluation, Hsiao Su Liu, Felipe I. Tolentino, Charles L. Schepens, Anton Banko; Fluorescein angiography of degenerative lesions of the peripheral fundus and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, Felipe I. Tolentino, Jaime V. Lapus, George Novalis, Clement L. Trempe, Gary S. Gutow, Afzal Ahmad; Experimental vitreous surgery. XIII. Open-sky partial vitrectomy through pars plana incision, Hsiao-Su Liu, Felipe I. Tolentino, Charles L. Schepens, H. MacKenzie Freeman; A laboratory animal model for phacoemulsification practice, Felipe I. Tolentino, Hsiao-Su Liu; Vitreous surgery. XII. New instrumentation for vitrectomy, Felipe I. Tolentino, Anton Banko, Charles L. Schepens, Hsiao-Su Liu, Leslie W. Nesmith, H. MacKenzie Freeman; The current status of vitreous membrane surgery, Freeman Hm, Charles L. Schepens, Felipe I. Tolentino; Vitreous surgery. XI. A scleral supporter for vitreous surgery, Felipe I. Tolentino, Hsiao-Su Liu, Charles L. Schepens; Adjustable mirror contact lens for fundus and vitreous examinations, Felipe I. Tolentino, Rietzler X, O. Pomerantzeff, Charles L. Schepens, Freeman Hm; Cryotherapy of Retinoblastoma, Felipe I. Tolentino, Ronald T. Tablante; Retrolental fibroplasia in the cicatricial stage. Fundus and vitreous findings, Bishara M. Faris, Felipe I. Tolentino, H. MacKenzie Freeman, Robert J. Brockhurst, Charles L. Schepens; Vitreoretinal Traction in Serous and Hemorrhagic Macular Retinopathy: A Biomicroscopic Study, Felipe I. Tolentino, H. MacKenzie Freeman, Charles L. Schepens; Massive Preretinal Retraction: A Biomicroscopic Study, Felipe I. Tolentino, Charles L. Schepens, H. MacKenzie Freeman; Biomicroscopic study of vitreous cavity in diabetic retinopathy, Felipe I. Tolentino, Pei-fei Lee, Charles L. Schepens; Edema of posterior pole after cataract extraction ; A biomicroscopic study, Felipe I. Tolentino, Charles L. Schepens; BIOMICROSCOPY OF THE VITREOUS IN COLLIE DOGS WITH FUNDUS ABNORMALITIES, Felipe I. Tolentino, Richard H. Donovan, Hal M. Freeman; Contributor, Articles, Professional Journals; Author, 3 Books

He started a charitable organization in the Philippines focusing on cataract blindness for the underserved and built an Eye Center for the underserved in Ifugao in the Mountain Provinces in the Philippines with local doctors around the 1980s

Recipient, Award from American Association in the Philippines for his contribution to science (2022); Recipient, Gusi Peace Prize (1980); Recipient, Gusi Award, Charity Work in Third World Countries

President, Association of Philippine Ophthalmologists America (1987-1989); Governor, Association of Philippine Ophthalmologists America (1979-1987); Secretary, Ophthalmologic Society of the Philippines (1969); Member, Vitreous Society; Member, Retina Society; Fellow, American Academy of Ophthalmology; Fellow, American College of Surgeons; Member, American Academy of Ophthalmology

Son of Felipe Itchon and Luz (Morando) Tolentino
Widowed: Flora (1958-2020)
Children: Michael; Felipe; Lourdes
Grandchildren: Steven; Elizabeth; Andrew; Amelia; Ferdinand; Alex; Nicholas

Contact Felipe I. Tolentino, MD

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