Everette A. Braden, JD

Braden, EveretteOccupation: Lawyer; Judge
Born: Chicago, Illinois, November 3, 1932

JD, John Marshall Law School, Chicago, IL (1961)
BS, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL (1954)
LLB, John Marshall Law School, Chicago, IL

Bar Admissions:
Supreme Court of the United States (1990); Illinois State Bar Association (1969); United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois (1969)

Associate Judge, Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Chicago, IL (1977-1987)
Supervising Trial Attorney, Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender, Chicago, IL (1976-1977)
Trial Attorney, Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender, Chicago, IL (1969-1976)
Property and Insurance Consultant, Cook County Sheriff’s Office, Chicago, IL (1961-1969)
Lawyer, Everette A. Braden Attorneys

Member, Board of Directors, LAF (1977); Vice President, Southeast CDC; President, South Shore Valley Community Organization; President, Board of Trustees, Illinois Bar Foundation; Secretary, Board of Trustees, St. Mark’s United Methodist Church; Member, NAACP; Member, Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers; Member, Board of Directors, DuSable High School Alumni Coalition for Action; Member, Board of Commissioners, Cook County, IL; Supervising Judge, Child Support Enforcement Court, Cook County, IL; Justice, Illinois Appellate Court

Recipient, Chairman Emeritus and Lifetime Achievement Award, Illinois Judicial Council Foundation (2017); Honoree, Man of the Year, Saint Mark’s United Methodist Church (2012); Honoree, Court of Honor, Chicago Volunteer Legal Services (2000); Recipient, Plaque, Top 100 Registry, New York; Honoree, Top 100 Top Lawyers in the Country; Recipient, Meritorious Service Award, Cook County Bar Association; Recipient, Award of Merit, Illinois Judges Association; Recipient, Distinguished Service Award, The John Marshall Law School; Recipient, Community Service Award, MRT Scholarship Foundation; Honoree, 33rd Degree Grand Inspector General, Prince Hall Mason; Recipient, Award in Recognition of Outstanding Accomplishments and Dedicated Service to the Legal Community, The Black Law Students Association; Recipient, Chairperson’s Award for Outstanding Leadership, Illinois Judicial Council; Recipient, Award for Outstanding Community Service, Geneva Scott Outreach Services; Honoree, Inductee, Hall of Fame, Cook County Bar Association; Recipient, Mary Merrick Lifetime Achievement Award; Action Award for Distinguished Achievement in the Legal and Judicial System and Continuing Dedication to DuSable High School and the Alumni Coalition; Honoree, Senior Counselor, Cook County Bar Association; Recipient, Trailblazer Award, Troop 534, Boy Scouts of America; Recipient, Award for Service to Freemasonry, Masons; Recipient, Founder’s Award, Illinois Judicial Council; Recipient, Certificate of Excellence, Board of Directors, The Mary Herrick Scholarship Fund; Recipient, Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award; Honoree, Marquis Who’s Who Top Professional

President, John Marshall Law School Alumni Association (1990-1991); Member, Board of Directors, Illinois Judges Association (1985-1991); Second Vice President, John Marshall Law School Alumni Association (1988-1990); Chairman, Illinois Judicial Council (1985-1986); Secretary, Illinois Judicial Council (1982-1984); Treasurer, Illinois Judges Association (1980-1981); Chairman, General Practice Section, Illinois State Bar Association (1979-1980); President, Cook County Bar Association (1975-1976); Member, Illinois Bar Foundation; Member, Lions Club International; Member, The Chicago Assembly; Member, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.; Member, Board of Directors, Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International; Member, Northwestern University Alumni Association; Honorary Life Member, Prince Hall Masons; Member, Board of Directors, Mary Merrick Scholarship Fund; Member, National Bar Association; Member, Illinois Judges Association; Member, Cook County Judicial Advisory Council; Member, Board of Directors, Cook County Bar Association Foundation; Privileged Member, Illinois State Bar Association; Member, Board of Directors, John Marshall Law School Alumni Association; Member, Board of Visitors, The John Marshall Law School; Member, The Chicago Bar Association; Member, Illinois Judges Association Foundation; Charter Member, Illinois Bar Foundation; Fellow, Illinois Bar Foundation; Member, Board of Directors, Illinois Judges Association Foundation; Founder, Illinois Judicial Council; Member, Board of Directors, DuSable High School Alumni Association

Son of Zedrick Thomas Braden and Bernice (Beckwith) Braden
Married: Mary Jeanette Hemphill (9/26/1964)
Children: Marilynne
Family: Zedrick Thomas, Jr. (Brother); Zedrick Thomas, III (Nephew); One Sister; Three Nephews

Biography Sources:
Who’s Who in America – 2019, 72nd Edition (pub. 2019)
Who’s Who in America – 2018, 71st Edition (pub. 2018)
Who’s Who in American Law – 1987-1988, 5th Edition (pub. 1987)
Who’s Who in American Law – 1985-1986, 4th Edition (pub. 1985)

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